
20 February 2024 : PIB Summary for UPSC

PIB Summary for UPSC

20-February -2024

1. A two-day INDUS-X Summit to be held in New Delhi

Topic: GS2 – International Relations – Bilateral relations
The INDUS-X Summit is vital for UPSC aspirants, highlighting key developments in India-U.S. defence cooperation, innovation, and strategic partnerships.
  • The INDUS-X Summit in New Delhi on February 20-21, 2024, marks a milestone in India-U.S. defence collaboration, fostering innovation, and strategic partnerships for mutual technological advancements.

 Additional information on this news:

  • Event Overview: The INDUS-X Summit is scheduled for February 20-21, 2024, in New Delhi, as a milestone in India-U.S. defence collaboration.
  • Organizers: Hosted by Innovations for Defence Excellence (iDEX) and the Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence (India), in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Defence, U.S.-India Business Council, and Society of Indian Defence Manufacturers.
  • Background: Launched in June 2023 during PM Modi’s U.S. visit, the India-U.S. Defence Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS-X) has been driving bilateral ties in defence innovation.
  • Summit Objectives: Focus on strategic technology partnerships, defence industrial cooperation, and exploration of emerging opportunities between India and the USA.
  • Agenda Highlights: Two-day summit featuring panel discussions, workshops, senior leaders’ forums, and felicitation of Joint INDUS X challenge winners.
  • Participants: Stakeholders from governments, academia, research organizations, investors, defence start-ups, technology incubators, industry associations, and other enablers.
  • Significance: A pivotal moment for advancing defence innovation, fostering collaboration, and setting the stage for future technological advancements and strategic partnerships between India and the United States. The summit aims to stimulate cross-national science and technology networks and strengthen connections between various stakeholders critical for building successful innovation ecosystems.
India – USA Defence Ties
  • Historical Partnership: India and the USA have a longstanding defense relationship, dating back to the Cold War era.
  • Strategic Cooperation: Both nations engage in joint military exercises, such as the Malabar naval exercises, Exercise Yudh Abhyas enhancing interoperability and strategic coordination.
  • Defense Trade: The United States is a significant defense supplier to India, with the sale of advanced weaponry and equipment, such as Apache helicopters.
  • Technology Sharing: The Defense Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI) promotes collaborative research and development in defense technologies.
  • Counterterrorism Cooperation: India and the USA collaborate on counterterrorism efforts, sharing intelligence and conducting joint operations.
  • Quad Partnership: Both countries are part of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad), along with Japan and Australia, aiming to promote a free and open Indo-Pacific region.
  • Geopolitical Alignment: India’s increasing alignment with the USA reflects shared concerns about regional stability and the rise of China.
  • Humanitarian Assistance: The defense partnership extends to humanitarian assistance and disaster relief efforts, showcasing a multifaceted collaboration between the two nations.
  • Focus on co-production: India-US Defence Industrial Cooperation Roadmap aims for joint development and production of defense equipment.
  • Challenges remain: Issues like technology transfer restrictions and differing strategic priorities require ongoing negotiation.
PYQ: ‘Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad)’ is transforming itself into a trade bloc from a military alliance, in present times – Discuss.
(250 words/15m) (UPSC CSE (M) GS-2 2020)
Practice Question: Examine the significance of India-USA defense ties, focusing on key collaborative areas and their impact on regional stability.
(150 words/10 m)

2. NITI Aayog Releases Position Paper– Senior Care Reforms in India: Reimagining the Senior Care Paradigm

Topic: GS2 – Social Justice – Vulnerable sections, Health

Critical for UPSC aspirants, NITI Aayog’s senior care reforms focus on technology, AI, and family values, impacting social, economic, and health aspects.
  • NITI Aayog released a position paper on Senior Care Reforms in India, emphasizing technology, AI, and family values for healthy ageing, promoting dignity and productivity.

 Additional information on this news:

  • Position Paper Release: NITI Aayog released “Senior Care Reforms in India: Reimagining the Senior Care Paradigm” on February 16, 2024.
  • Key Personnel: Vice Chairman Suman Bery, Member (Health) Dr. Vinod K. Paul, and CEO B. V. R. Subrahmanyam launched the report.
  • Objective: Addressing India’s commitment to Viksit Bharat @2047, the report emphasizes technology and AI in senior care, promoting dignity, safety, and productivity.
  • Discussion Focus: NITI Aayog stressed making ageing dignity-driven, safe, and productive, emphasizing the role of family values in healthy ageing.
  • Policy Directives: CEO B.V.R. Subrahmanyam highlighted the report’s policy directives for healthy ageing, emphasizing the crucial role of family in developing an ecosystem.
  • Recommendations: The position paper categorizes interventions under Health, Social, Economic/Financial, and Digital areas, envisioning a multi-pronged strategy for effective senior care policies.
  • Broad Focus of DoSJE: Secretary Saurabh Garg emphasized Department of Social Justice and Empowerment’s focus on ageing with dignity, ageing at home, and productive ageing encompassing social, economic, and health aspects.
Geriatric Healthcare in India
Geriatric Healthcare Data:

  • According to the 2011 Census, the elderly population in India (aged 60 and above) was approximately 104 million.
  • The elderly population is expected to reach 319 million by 2050, highlighting the growing need for senior healthcare.

Need for Geriatric Healthcare:

  • Increased prevalence of age-related diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, and dementia, necessitates specialized healthcare for the elderly.
  • Unique healthcare needs arise due to the aging process, including geriatric medicine, palliative care, and rehabilitation services.


  • Limited geriatric healthcare infrastructure and trained professionals in India.
  • Insufficient awareness and cultural factors affecting the utilization of senior healthcare services.
  • Financial constraints among the elderly population, hindering access to quality healthcare.

Way Forward:

  • Infrastructure Development: Establish specialized geriatric care centers and enhance existing healthcare facilities. Train healthcare professionals in geriatric medicine to address the specific needs of the elderly.
  • Public Awareness: Conduct awareness campaigns to educate the elderly and their families about the importance of specialized healthcare.
  • Financial Support: Implement policies and schemes to provide financial assistance for elderly healthcare, ensuring affordability and accessibility.
  • Community Involvement: Encourage community-based initiatives for senior healthcare, fostering a supportive environment for the elderly.
  • Research and Innovation: Invest in research for age-related diseases and promote innovative solutions for improved senior healthcare.
Practice Question:  Examine challenges in Indian geriatric healthcare and propose policy measures for improvement. (150 words/10 m)

For Enquiry




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