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26 September 2024 : PIB Summary For UPSC

1. DRDO & IIT Delhi develop ABHED Light Weight Bullet Proof Jackets

(Source – https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=2058645&reg=3&lang=1 )

  • The Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) and IIT Delhi have developed lightweight bulletproof jackets named ABHED, utilising advanced materials to meet high threat levels.
  • These jackets are designed for enhanced protection while ensuring compliance with the Indian Army’s weight specifications.
Everything You Need To Know About

ABHED Bulletproof Jackets:

  • The jackets are made from polymers and indigenous boron carbide ceramic material.
  • Their design is based on the characterization of various materials at high strain rates, with advanced modelling and simulation techniques.
  • The jackets pass all necessary R&D trials and meet the highest threat levels while being lighter than the stipulated maximum weight limits for the Indian Army.
  • Weighing between 8.2 kg and 9.5 kg, the jackets provide 360° protection with modular designs featuring front and rear armors.
  • Technology transfer for production has been arranged with three Indian industries.

2. Astronomers map the Differential Rotation of the Sun’s Chromosphere using 100 Years of Kodaikanal Data

(Source – https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=2058531&reg=3&lang=1 )

  • Astronomers have successfully mapped the variation in the Sun’s chromosphere rotation speed using 100 years of data from the Kodaikanal Solar Observatory.
  • This groundbreaking research enhances understanding of the Sun’s differential rotation and its implications for solar dynamics and magnetic activity.

Analysis of the news:

  • The study focused on differential rotation, where the Sun’s equator rotates faster than its poles.
  • The equatorial region completes a rotation in about 25 days, while the poles take about 35 days.
  • Solar plages and networks, features present throughout the solar cycle, were analysed to measure rotation rates.
  • Data was extracted from images taken at a specific wavelength, showcasing the lower and middle chromosphere.
  • The analysis revealed rotation speeds of 13.98 degrees per day at the equator and 10.5 degrees per day near the poles.
  • The findings enhance understanding of the Sun’s magnetic field and activity, contributing to solar research.
Variation in the Sun’s chromosphere rotation speed:
  • The variation in the Sun’s chromosphere rotation speed is mainly due to differential rotation, where different parts of the Sun spin at different rates.
  • The equator rotates faster because of the Sun’s gaseous nature, allowing it to move more freely.
  • Additionally, the Sun’s magnetic field affects the flow of plasma, causing variations in speed.
  • This leads to complex interactions between magnetic forces and the hot plasma, resulting in the slower rotation at higher latitudes compared to the equator.

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