Everything You Need To Know About 9 August 2023 : Pib

9 August 2023 : PIB


9-August -2023

Daily Current Affairs For UPSC ,The PIB ( Press Information Bureau )




1. PM affirms Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill, 2023’s resonance with the aspirations of New India

Topic: GS3 – Forest conservation.


  • The Prime Minister, has shed light on the Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill, 2023 via an article by Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change.
  • The Minister writes how the bill responds to people’s aspirations in New India, laying the ground for enhancing green areas outside forests and making forests more productive.

About Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill, 2023:

  • The Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill, 2023 amends the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, which is the primary legislation governing forest conservation in India.
  • The bill seeks to address the challenges faced in the implementation of the 1980 Act and to make it more responsive to the needs of the country.

Some of the key provisions of the bill include:

  • Expanding the definition of “forest” to include areas that are not currently classified as forests, such as mangroves and grasslands.
  • Allowing for the use of forest land for non-forest purposes, such as infrastructure development and renewable energy projects, with the prior approval of the central government.
  • Creating a new category of “forest produce” to include products such as bamboo, honey, and mushrooms.
  • Establishing a National Forest Commission to advise the central government on forest policy.

The Forest (Conservation) Amendment Bill, 2023 has been met with mixed reactions, with some environmental groups expressing concerns that it will lead to the deforestation of large areas of forest land.

Here are some of the concerns that have been raised about the bill:

  • The bill allows for the use of forest land for non-forest purposes, such as infrastructure development and renewable energy projects. This could lead to the deforestation of large areas of forest land, especially if the central government does not have the capacity or the will to protect forests.
  • The bill creates a new category of “forest produce” to include products such as bamboo, honey, and mushrooms. This could lead to the over-exploitation of forest resources, which could have a negative impact on forest ecosystems.
  • The bill establishes a National Forest Commission to advise the central government on forest policy. However, the bill does not give the National Forest Commission any enforcement powers, which could make it difficult for the Commission to effectively protect forests.
  • However, the government has defended the bill, stating that it is necessary to balance the need for forest conservation with the need for economic development.


The bill is a positive step forward for forest conservation in India. However, it is important to ensure that the bill is implemented effectively and that the needs of both forests and people are met.

Source: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1946629

2. Promotion of Cooperative Movement by NCDC.

Topic: GS2 – cooperative societies.

About National Cooperative Development Corporation (NCDC):

  • NCDC is a statutory corporation under the Ministry of Cooperation, Government of India.
  • Its major objective is to promote, strengthen, and develop farmer cooperatives for increasing production and productivity and providing post-harvest facilities.
  • NCDC’s focus includes agricultural marketing, processing, storage, cold chain, and marketing of agriculture produce, as well as the supply of seeds, fertilizer, and other agricultural inputs.
  • In the non-farm sector, the Corporation aims to equip cooperatives with facilities for income-generating activities, with a special focus on weaker sections such as dairy, livestock, handloom, sericulture, poultry, fishery, scheduled caste & scheduled tribes, women cooperatives, etc.
  • Various Central Sector and other Schemes are being implemented by NCDC.

Some data about cooperatives in India:

  • India has the largest cooperative movement in the world, with over 8 lakh cooperative societies registered with the government.
  • Cooperatives play a significant role in the Indian economy, contributing to about 20% of the country’s GDP.
  • Cooperatives are active in a wide range of sectors, including agriculture, banking, finance, insurance, education, health, and housing.

Importance of cooperatives for Indian economy:

  • Enhance rural and agricultural development
  • Improve livelihoods and income generation in rural areas
  • Promote equitable distribution of resources and benefits
  • Strengthen the small and marginalized farmers and workers
  • Foster social and economic inclusion
  • Encourage self-help and mutual assistance
  • Support sustainable and environmentally friendly practices
  • Boost rural entrepreneurship and local industries
  • Contribute to food security and food supply chains
  • Stimulate rural infrastructure development

Challenges faced by cooperative societies in India:

  • Lack of proper management and governance
  • Limited access to financial resources
  • Inadequate technical and professional expertise
  • Political interference and external influences
  • Low awareness and participation among members
  • Insufficient training and capacity building
  • Difficulties in adapting to market dynamics
  • Internal conflicts and factionalism
  • Limited integration with modern technology
  • Inefficient and outdated operational practices
  • Regulatory and legal complexities

Steps taken by Indian government to promote cooperative societies:

  • Creation of a separate Ministry of Cooperation in 2021 to focus on cooperative sector development.
  • Amendment of the Cooperative Societies Act in 2022 for easier registration and greater transparency.
  • Launching the National Cooperative Development Program in 2022 for financial and technical assistance to cooperatives.
  • Promotion of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in cooperatives for improved efficiency.
  • Empowerment of women in cooperatives through financial support and capacity building programs.

Other measures that can be taken for promotion of cooperative societies:

  • Providing tax incentives and exemptions for cooperative societies to encourage their growth and sustainability.
  • Establishing cooperative incubation centers to support the development of new cooperative ventures.
  • Creating a cooperative-specific credit guarantee scheme to enhance access to finance for cooperatives.
  • Strengthening cooperative education and training programs for members and officials.
  • Facilitating partnerships between cooperatives and private/public enterprises for mutual growth.
  • Introducing special schemes for cooperatives in sectors with high growth potential (e.g., renewable energy, agri-tech).
  • Providing technical and financial support for cooperatives to adopt sustainable and eco-friendly practices.
  • Establishing a dedicated cooperative fund to provide financial assistance and resources for cooperatives.


Cooperative societies in India play a pivotal role in rural and agricultural development, fostering inclusive growth, and empowering communities for a prosperous future.

Source: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1946745

3. Steps taken by Government of India to improve Women’s Health

Topic: GS3 – Health sector.

Government schemes/initiatives for accessible healthcare in India:

  • Comprehensive Primary Health Care (CPHC) through Ayushman Bharat- Health and Wellness Centres (AB-HWCs).
  • Health Melas for optimizing healthcare utilization and generating awareness.
  • Teleconsultation services through eSanjeevani for specialist care.
  • National Free Drugs Initiative and Free Diagnostics Initiatives for essential medicines and tests.
  • National Ambulance Services (NAS) and National Mobile Medical Units (NMMU) for emergency and primary care.
  • Schemes specifically for pregnant women:
  1. Surakshit Matritva Aashwasan (SUMAN): Provides free and dignified healthcare to women and newborns to prevent maternal and newborn deaths.
  2. Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY): Promotes institutional delivery through conditional cash transfers.
  3. Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK): Offers free delivery, including caesarean section, along with transport, diagnostics, medicines, blood, and diet.
  4. Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan (PMSMA): Ensures free and quality antenatal check-ups for pregnant women on the 9th day of every month.
  5. LaQshya: Improves the quality of care in labor rooms and maternity operation theaters for respectful and quality delivery and postpartum care.

Importance of woman health:

  • Empowerment: Good health empowers women to participate fully in social, economic, and political spheres.
  • Maternal Health: Healthy women ensure safe pregnancies and childbirth, reducing maternal mortality and infant mortality rates.
  • Family Well-being: Women’s health directly impacts the well-being of their families and communities.
  • Economic Growth: Healthy women contribute to economic growth through their participation in the workforce.
  • Education: Good health enables women to pursue education and acquire knowledge and skills for personal and professional growth.
  • Reproductive Rights: Women’s health is linked to their reproductive rights and access to healthcare services.
  • Gender Equality: Ensuring women’s health promotes gender equality and equal opportunities.
  • Sustainable Development: Women’s health is vital for achieving sustainable development goals and building resilient societies.
  • Population Control: Healthy women can make informed decisions about family planning, contributing to population control.

Challenges to ensuring women health in India:

  • Gender Inequality: Persistent gender biases and discrimination hinder access to healthcare and decision-making power for women.
  • Limited Healthcare Access: Women, especially in rural areas, face challenges in accessing healthcare facilities and services.
  • Maternal Mortality: High maternal mortality rates are still prevalent due to inadequate maternal healthcare and skilled birth attendants.
  • Reproductive Health: Limited awareness and resources impact women’s reproductive health, family planning, and access to contraceptives.
  • Violence and Abuse: Gender-based violence negatively affects women’s physical and mental health.
  • Malnutrition and Anemia: Malnutrition and anemia disproportionately affect women, leading to various health complications.
  • Lack of Education: Limited education hinders women’s understanding of health issues and their ability to make informed choices.
  • Child Marriage: Early marriage exposes young girls to health risks and complications during childbirth.
  • Cultural Norms: Social and cultural norms often restrict women’s autonomy over their health decisions.
  • Healthcare Infrastructure: Inadequate healthcare infrastructure and resources pose challenges to women’s health outcomes.

Way forward:

  • Gender-Sensitive Policies: Implement gender-sensitive policies and programs to address the specific healthcare needs of women.
  • Health Awareness: Conduct widespread health awareness campaigns to educate women about preventive measures and healthcare services.
  • Improved Access: Enhance healthcare access for women, especially in rural and marginalized communities, through mobile clinics and telemedicine.
  • Maternal Care: Strengthen maternal healthcare facilities and skilled birth attendants to reduce maternal mortality rates.
  • Reproductive Health Services: Ensure availability and affordability of reproductive health services, family planning, and contraceptives.
  • Violence Prevention: Implement measures to prevent and address gender-based violence, ensuring women’s safety and well-being.
  • Nutrition Interventions: Promote nutrition programs to tackle malnutrition and anemia among women.
  • Education Initiatives: Encourage girls’ education to empower women with knowledge and better health decision-making abilities.
  • Awareness on Child Marriage: Raise awareness about the adverse effects of child marriage on women’s health and advocate against it.
  • Institutional Capacity Building: Strengthen healthcare institutions and invest in the training of healthcare professionals to provide quality services.
  • Collaborative Efforts: Foster partnerships between the government, NGOs, and private sector to jointly work towards improving women’s health.

4. Implementation of PMKSY

 Topic: GS2 – Government initiatives.

About Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana (PMKSY):

  • Ministry: Initiated by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) in 2017-18.
  • Scheme: An umbrella scheme comprising multiple component schemes.
  • Objectives: Boost growth in the food processing sector, provide better prices to farmers, generate rural employment, reduce agricultural produce wastage, increase processing levels, and enhance processed food exports.
  • Goals: Boost growth in the food processing sector, provide better prices to farmers, generate rural employment.
  • Aims to create modern infrastructure and efficient supply chain management from farm gate to retail outlet.

Source: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1946645

5. Update on Mission Indradhanush.

Topic: GS2 – Government initiatives.


  • HMIS 2022-23 data indicates 6 States/UTs achieved 100% full immunization coverage (FIC).
  • 17 States achieved FIC of more than 90%.
  • The data highlights progress in immunization coverage across India.
  • Full immunization coverage ensures protection against vaccine-preventable diseases.

About Mission Indradhanush:

  • Aim: To increase full immunization coverage for children and pregnant women.
  • Targets hard-to-reach and underserved areas with low immunization rates.
  • Intensified immunization drives conducted in 4 phases each year.
  • Provides vaccines against preventable diseases like polio, measles, rubella, etc.
  • Focuses on reaching the unvaccinated and partially vaccinated children and pregnant women.
  • Implemented with the involvement of various stakeholders, including health departments, NGOs, and community organizations.
  • Following vaccines are administered to children and pregnant women to increase full immunization coverage:
  1. Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus (DPT) Vaccine
  2. Polio Vaccine
  3. Measles-Rubella (MR) Vaccine
  4. Hepatitis B Vaccine
  5. Haemophilus Influenzae type B (Hib) Vaccine:
  6. Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV)
  7. Rotavirus Vaccine
  8. Tetanus Toxoid (TT) Vaccine:
  9. Vitamin A Supplement
  10. Iron and Folic Acid (IFA) Tablets

Source: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1946705



Topic: GS2 – Government initiatives.


  • Launched by the Government of India in April 2018.
  • Aim: To strengthen and promote Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) in rural areas.
  • Focuses on enhancing the capacity and functionality of PRIs to ensure effective local governance.
  • Implemented in all states and Union Territories (UTs).
  • RGSA’s key objectives include empowering PRIs, increasing their financial resources, and improving service delivery at the grassroots level.
  • Aims to promote democratic decision-making, decentralization, and people’s participation in local development processes.
  • Financially supported by the Central and State Governments through grants and technical assistance.
  • Aims to bridge the rural-urban divide and promote sustainable and inclusive rural development.
  • Collaborates with various stakeholders, including civil society organizations and academic institutions, to achieve its objectives.

Source: https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1946678

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