Everything You Need To Know About 13 June 2023 : The Hindu Editorial

13 June 2023 : The Hindu Editorial

The Hindu Editorial


Daily Current Affairs For UPSC ,The Hindu Editorial Summary




1. Wrestlers’ protest and the shrinking space for dissent.

Topic: GS2.


      • Public protests have played a crucial role in driving social and policy change in India.

      • Protests have increased rapidly in recent years, but the response from the current government has been different from previous administrations.


      • The authorities initially did not respond to the demands, and it took the intervention of the Supreme Court for Delhi Police to file FIRs.

      • The protests by wrestlers have received limited support from civil society, including middle-class and women’s groups, unlike previous protests against sexual violence.

      • Protests under the current regime are often labeled as ‘anti-national,’ making them more challenging.

      • While the government has been forced to respond to some protests, the support from the middle class has been inconsistent.

The context of class politics:

      • The lack of interest in the wrestlers’ agitation can be seen in the context of class politics, with the middle class prioritizing issues that directly impact them.

      • The middle-class opposition to the UPA government played a significant role in discrediting it, but now they strongly support the current dispensation.

      • The polarizing nature of politics and majoritarian narratives contribute to the lack of support for the wrestlers’ protests.

      • Middle-class activism often overlooks the struggles of disadvantaged classes and communities, perpetuating inequalities.

      • The narrow focus on self-interest hinders efforts to address broader social issues and marginalizes certain voices.

Increasing polarisation:

      • The quiescence among the middle class and oppressed classes results in inadequate public pressure on the government to address issues like sexual harassment.

      • The normalization of patriarchy and sexual harassment is a reflection of society’s attitudes.

2. E-education platforms, their Generative AI chapter

Topic: GS3 – Education


      • Online education platforms have gained popularity and attracted millions of learners worldwide.

      • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) emerged in 2011, with Stanford University offering free online courses and leading to the establishment of for-profit companies like Udacity and Coursera.


      • In India, institutions like IIT Bombay and IIM Bangalore offer MOOCs through the edX platform, and India’s SWAYAM is one of the world’s largest e-learning portals.

      • MOOCs platforms face financial challenges due to high operating expenses and the practice of offering entry-level courses for free or at low fees.

      • Generative AI tools, such as chatbots and virtual assistants, are being used by platforms like edX and Khan Academy to enhance learner engagement and reduce dropout rates.

      • These tools help learners find suitable courses, provide assistance, give feedback on assignments, summarize content, and generate exam scores.

      • In India, SWAYAM is expected to leverage AI-based learning and teaching services as the platform scales up with a growing number of active Internet users.

      • SWAYAM is publicly funded and focuses on inclusivity and cross-disciplinary learning, making it well-positioned to benefit from the evolving semantic web.

      • The impact of regenerative AI tools on the economic fortunes of online education platforms is yet to be determined, but global brands are willing to experiment with these tools.

3. Same-sex marriage: Morality vs equality

Topic: GS2.


      • Michael Sandel, a renowned philosopher, visited India before the Supreme Court hearings on same-sex marriage but his deeper moral ideas were not widely understood or appreciated.

      • Sandel’s critique of contemporary liberalism highlights the difficulty of addressing the issue of same-sex marriage within a framework of individual rights.


      • The Supreme Court’s neutrality on moral questions, mandated by its jurisprudence on equal concern for all, prevents it from taking a stance on the desirability of marriage and its moral implications.

      • Constitutional morality has been used by the Supreme Court to maintain neutrality on moral issues.

      • Advocates of same-sex marriage, like Martha Nussbaum, see state intervention as the second best option and suggest that the state should ideally withdraw from the institution of marriage altogether.

      • Sandel argues against the “bracketing” of moral issues and the assumption that individuals can detach themselves from their social and historical roles and values.

      • Deciding same-sex marriage cases based solely on equality or privacy could create a duty imposed on citizens who do not share the same understanding or value of marriage.

      • The question arises whether the Court or a centralized State is capable of resolving moral issues in society, and Sandel points to examples of citizen initiatives and assemblies in Ireland and Finland as more sustainable methods of bringing about change.

      • The significance of marriage in traditional terms is deeply rooted in Indian society, and the question of whether the honorific value of marriage can be sustained without a heterosexual couple needs further exploration.

      • Citizens’ assemblies or initiatives, similar to Gandhi’s concept of “little republics,” could be considered as a means to address these questions and involve the wider public in decision-making processes.

4. NCDs plague Keralites’ health.

Topic: GS3 – Health sector.


      • The state of Kerala, despite ranking high in overall health index rankings, faces a significant burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and chronic kidney diseases.


      • The state has been aware of the NCD challenge since the 90s but has faced difficulties in implementing effective control programs.

      • Despite the provision of free NCD drugs, poor glycaemic control and inadequate monitoring and follow-up of patients are evident.

      • The focus of the State Health Department seems to be more on screening programs to detect disease prevalence rather than on increasing public awareness and promoting a healthy lifestyle for primary prevention.

      • Creating, implementing, and sustaining programs for promoting healthy lifestyles is a challenge for health systems, as it requires changing people’s attitudes, food habits, and exercise routines.

      • Small-scale diabetes prevention and care models have shown that standard treatment guidelines, engagement of families and communities, use of innovative technologies, and improved training of health workers can significantly improve lifestyle modifications and healthy habits.

      • Patients need to be educated on blood sugar management, including limiting carbohydrates, improving nutrition, and engaging in daily physical activity.

      • Affordable choices for diet and medication advice should be provided, and adherence to medication should be ensured through consistent follow-up and continuous motivation.

      • Health systems should focus on training field-level health workers, such as ASHAs, to impart awareness, provide rigorous patient follow-up, and offer attractive incentives.

For Enquiry




Everything You Need To Know About 13 June 2023 : The Hindu Editorial
13 June 2023 : The Hindu Editorial

Everything You Need To Know About 13 June 2023 : The Hindu Editorial
13 June 2023 : Daily Current Affairs

Everything You Need To Know About 13 June 2023 : The Hindu Editorial
12 June 2023 : PIB

Everything You Need To Know About 13 June 2023 : The Hindu Editorial
12 June 2023 : The Hindu Editorial

Everything You Need To Know About 13 June 2023 : The Hindu Editorial
12 June 2023 : Daily Current Affairs

Everything You Need To Know About 13 June 2023 : The Hindu Editorial
10 June 2023 : PIB

Everything You Need To Know About 13 June 2023 : The Hindu Editorial
10 June 2023 : The Hindu Editorial

Everything You Need To Know About 13 June 2023 : The Hindu Editorial
10 June 2023 : Daily Current Affairs

Everything You Need To Know About 13 June 2023 : The Hindu Editorial
9 June 2023 : PIB

Everything You Need To Know About 13 June 2023 : The Hindu Editorial
9 June 2023 : The Hindu Editorial

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Daily Current Affairs For UPSC ,The Hindu Editorial Summary

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