28 October 2023 : The Hindu Editorial Notes PDF
The Hindu Editorial
1. Women can make the world better.
Topic: GS3 – gender equality.
Gender Disparities in Economics
- Historically, economic history has focused on men and their contributions, as evidenced by the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.
- The Nobel Prize has been awarded to significantly more men (90) than women (3), with Elinor Ostrom, Esther Duflo, and Claudia Goldin being the female laureates.
- Claudia Goldin’s work delves into the gender pay gap and why women earn less than men for similar work.
Economic Science and Women’s Work
- Economics primarily measures natural and human resources in monetary terms, often neglecting the value of women’s work in the family and caregiving.
- Women’s contributions to family well-being do not directly contribute to economic growth and GDP.
- This can lead to women being considered less valuable in economic enterprises due to their potential limitations in full-time employment.
Changing Global Employment Trends
- Global patterns of economic growth are shifting towards more gig economy and informal sector jobs.
- Long-term employment is becoming scarcer, even in industrial establishments.
- These trends pose challenges for countries like India with a large youth population seeking dignified work and social security.
Role of Care-Giving in India
- India, despite rapid economic growth, ranks low in human development (132 out of 191 countries).
- Care-giving work, often done by women in the domestic and community sectors, is undervalued and poorly compensated.
- There is a need to invest in care-giving services to improve human development.
India’s Vision and SDGs
- India is calling for a human-centric development approach and challenges the GDP-driven vision of globalization.
- Policymakers aim to bring more women into industrial establishments to boost GDP, potentially disrupting their family and caregiving roles.
- The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) require a new approach to achieve progress, as the current one is off-track.
Bottom-Up Solutions and the Feminine View of the Economy
- Complex problems, including those related to environment, livelihood, health, and infrastructure, should be solved bottom-up by communities.
- Local solutions, cooperatively developed and adapted, are crucial to achieving the SDGs.
- A paradigm shift in economics is needed to embrace a feminine view of the economy that values cooperation, equity, and sustainability.
Power Shift and Institutional Reforms
- Paradigm shifts require a shift in power, which can be challenging for those in positions of authority.
- The traditional hierarchy of power based on money, political authority, and formal education must evolve.
- Women should have the freedom to shape inclusive institutions, and local communities should have greater decision-making power in designing sustainable solutions.
Conclusion: Vision of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam
- To realize the vision of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” (One Family, One Earth, One Future), fundamental institutional reforms are necessary to empower women and local communities.
Question: How can a paradigm shift in economics, focusing on cooperation, equity, and sustainability, be achieved to empower women and promote inclusive and sustainable development?
2. A China-India partnership, its vast global potential
Topic: GS2 – International relations.
Global Challenges and the Need for Responses
- The world is facing interconnected traditional and non-traditional security threats.
- Global deficits in peace, development, security, and governance are growing.
- The crisis in Ukraine and conflicts in West Asia raise profound questions about the state of the world and how to respond.
Opportunity for China and India
- China and India, as Asian civilizations, have shared thoughts on the future and the welfare of humanity.
- The “Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence” were jointly initiated in the 1950s, setting norms for international relations.
- Both nations, as large developing countries with over one billion populations, can provide Oriental wisdom and illuminate the path forward for mankind.
China’s vision of a Global Community of Shared Future
- The vision emphasizes lasting peace, common security, mutual development, and ecological protection.
- It has gained international recognition and support, especially from developing countries.
- The vision includes key points such as economic globalization, peaceful development, new international relations, and true multilateralism.
Key Vision Points
- Economic Globalization: Reject unilateralism, protectionism, and the zero-sum game for a more open world economy.
- Peaceful Development: Pursue peace as a fundamental need for global development and cooperation.
- New International Relations: Avoid Thucydides trap, build common ground, uphold mutual respect, equity, and justice.
- True Multilateralism: Promote fairness and the international system with the United Nations at its core.
- Common Values: Promote peace, development, equity, justice, democracy, and freedom respecting diverse social systems.
China’s Contributions to the Vision
- China has contributed to building a global community of a shared future through actions like the Belt and Road Initiative and Global Initiatives.
- These initiatives address global challenges in development, security, and civilization.
- China and India, with a third of the global population, can work together to demonstrate the Global South’s commitment to an open, inclusive, and peaceful world.Â
        China and India have the opportunity to collaborate in realizing a global community of a shared future and addressing the world’s pressing challenges.
3. India must leverage ties with Qatar to free its citizens facing death penalty.
Topic: GS2 – International relations.
Qatari Court’s Death Sentence for Indians
- A Qatari court handed down a death sentence to eight Indians accused of espionage.
- The trial was secretive, with limited information on charges and evidence.
- Despite pleas from families and Indian diplomats, Qatar hasn’t disclosed details or shared the judgment.
Espionage Accusations
- The accused, former Indian Navy servicemen, were arrested in August 2022.
- Leaked reports suggest they were accused of sharing secret information about a stealth submarine program with a third country, which their families deny.
Diplomatic and Trade Relations
- India-Qatar ties have been relatively positive, with strategic and defense agreements.
- India sources 40% of its LNG needs from Qatar, and 7,00,000 Indian expatriates contribute significantly to Qatar’s institutions, industry, and workforce.
Need for Diplomatic Action
- A rift in ties would harm both countries.
- India should act swiftly to ensure the accused receive the best support in an appeal.
- Diplomatic channels should be activated at the highest levels, including the Prime Minister if necessary.
- Clemency and sentence commutation must be sought if the men are found guilty in the appeals process.
Geopolitical Considerations
- Some reports suggest geopolitical factors, including differences over India’s policy on Israel and Palestine, might be tied to the verdict.
- Regardless of geopolitical considerations, the Indian government should prioritize the lives of its citizens and uphold its “no Indian left behind” policy.
For Enquiry
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