Everything You Need To Know About 5 August 2023 : The Hindu Editorial Notes Pdf

5 August 2023 : The Hindu Editorial Notes PDF

The Hindu Editorial


Daily Current Affairs For UPSC ,The Hindu Editorial Summary




1. The lessons of Hiroshima must not drift away.

Topic: GS3 – Global security.


  • The article discusses the rise of nuclear deterrence and the development of a taboo against the use of nuclear weapons after the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings.
  • The article mentions recent events, including Russia’s veiled nuclear threats during the invasion of Ukraine, which have tested the nuclear deterrence and the taboo against nuclear weapon use.
  • It highlights concerns about the potential use of tactical nuclear weapons and the need to avoid undermining the nuclear taboo.

The need for global nuclear deterrence:

  • Deters potential adversaries from initiating a nuclear conflict due to fear of severe retaliation.
  • Maintains stability and prevents escalation in international conflicts.
  • Serves as a deterrent against aggression and nuclear proliferation.
  • Helps prevent the use of nuclear weapons in times of tension and conflict.
  • Supports strategic stability among nuclear-armed nations.
  • Provides a framework for arms control and disarmament negotiations.
  • Aims to prevent miscalculations and misunderstandings in nuclear scenarios.
  • Assures the security of nuclear-armed nations and their allies.
  • Contributes to global peace and security through the avoidance of nuclear war.
  • Facilitates diplomatic efforts in conflict resolution and crisis management.

Efforts by global community:

  • Diplomatic negotiations and treaties to limit the spread of nuclear weapons (e.g., Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty).
  • Disarmament initiatives to reduce the number of nuclear weapons and their role in national security strategies.
  • International organizations promoting non-proliferation and nuclear safety (e.g., International Atomic Energy Agency).
  • Bilateral and multilateral agreements on arms control and nuclear risk reduction.
  • Efforts to strengthen nuclear security and prevent illicit trafficking of nuclear materials.
  • Nuclear-weapon-free zones established regionally to prevent nuclear proliferation.
  • Advocacy for peaceful uses of nuclear technology and nuclear energy cooperation.
  • Global awareness campaigns on the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons use.

Recent instances of rising nuclear tensions:

  • North Korea:North Korea has been conducting a series of ballistic missile tests in recent months, including an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) that could reach the United States. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has also made threats to use nuclear weapons against the United States and its allies.
  • Russia – Ukraine:Russia has been amassing troops on its border with Ukraine, and has warned that it will take military action if Ukraine joins NATO. Russia has also threatened to use nuclear weapons if it feels its security is threatened.
  • India and Pakistan: India and Pakistan have a long history of nuclear tensions, and have fought two wars since they both became nuclear-armed states in 1998. In recent months, there have been a number of incidents along the Line of Control (LoC) that have raised concerns about the risk of a nuclear conflict.
  • China:China has been increasing its nuclear arsenal in recent years, and has also been developing new types of nuclear weapons. China has also been more willing to use its nuclear arsenal in threats against its neighbours.

India’s nuclear policy:

India’s nuclear policy is guided by the principles of “credible minimum deterrence” and a “no first use” (NFU) policy. The key elements of India’s nuclear policy are as follows:

  • Credible Minimum Deterrence: which means possessing a sufficient and effective nuclear arsenal to deter any potential nuclear aggression against the country.
  • No First Use (NFU) Policy: This means that India will not use nuclear weapons as a first strike, and nuclear weapons will only be used in retaliation against a nuclear attack on its territory or its forces.
  • Non-Use Against Non-Nuclear States: India has committed not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
  • Non-Proliferation Commitment: India remains committed to the goal of global nuclear non-proliferation and supports the complete elimination of nuclear weapons.
  • Cautious Approach to Arms Control and Disarmament: India advocates a step-by-step approach to nuclear disarmament and believes in the need for equal and undiminished security for all states.
  • Strict Command and Control: India maintains strict control and security measures over its nuclear weapons and related technologies to prevent unauthorized access or proliferation risks.

Question: “Explain India’s nuclear policy, highlighting the principles of credible minimum deterrence and no first use (NFU) policy. Assess the challenges and opportunities faced by India’s nuclear policy in the current geopolitical scenario.”

2. Motivated cases for altering status of places of worship must be discouraged.

Topic: GS2 – Indian polity.


  • The Allahabad High Court upheld the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) survey at the Gyanvapi mosque.
  • The suit filed by Hindu devotees to assert their right to worship some deities within the mosque precincts was deemed not barred by the Places of Worship (Special Provisions) Act, 1991.
  • The worshippers filed applications seeking a scientific survey by archaeologists to ascertain whether the mosque was built on the site of a Hindu temple.

Implications of Motivated cases for altering status of places of worship:

  • Undermines communal harmony and fosters religious tensions in society.
  • Erodes trust in the legal system and the impartiality of the judiciary.
  • Disrupts the peaceful coexistence of religious communities and breeds animosity.
  • May lead to violence and communal clashes over disputed places of worship.
  • Diverts judicial resources and time from more pressing legal matters.
  • Threatens the sanctity and historical significance of religious sites.
  • Adversely impacts cultural heritage and historical preservation efforts.
  • Weakens the rule of law and sets a dangerous precedent for similar cases in the future.

Steps that can be taken by the government at such instances:

  • Strengthen the implementation of the Places of Worship (Special Provisions) Act, 1991, to prevent any alteration in the status of places of worship.
  • Ensure strict adherence to the principles of secularism and religious neutrality in legal proceedings.
  • Establish special fast-track courts to expedite cases related to religious disputes.
  • Promote interfaith dialogues and community engagement to foster understanding and harmony.
  • Take strict action against those filing motivated or frivolous cases for altering the status of places of worship.
  • Provide adequate security measures at disputed religious sites to prevent any untoward incidents.
  • Encourage mediation and arbitration to resolve religious disputes amicably.
  • Involve religious leaders and scholars to promote respect for each other’s places of worship and heritage.

Question: “Examine the impact of motivated cases seeking to alter the status of places of worship on communal harmony in India. Discuss the government’s role in addressing such instances and suggest measures to prevent the misuse of legal processes while preserving religious cohesiveness.”

For Enquiry




Everything You Need To Know About 5 August 2023 : The Hindu Editorial Notes Pdf
5 August 2023 : The Hindu Editorial Notes PDF

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