Vedic and Mahajanapada Period Mains Test

Mains Test Series

Vedic and Mahajanapada Period

Q1. The later Vedic age was an age of religious revolutions. Do you agree? Discuss. (250 words)


The later Vedic period extended roughly from 1000 B.C. to 600 B.C. when some Vedic tribes migrated from the ‘Sapta Sindhu’ region to the upper Ganga Valley and other adjacent areas.  

This age was the age of religious reforms. 

Religious changes in the Later Vedic Age:  

  1. Philosophical turn: It was the age of Upanisads when various Philosophical ideas began taking shape. This philosophical enquiry continued for at least a millennium when the Upanishads were compiled. This eventually led to the growth of six schools of Vedic Philosophy, namely Samkhya, Vaishesika, Nyaya, Yoga, Mimamsa, and Vedanta.
  2. Rise of Shramanism: ‘Shramana’ means striving and working hard by living a life of austerity in search of the ultimate truth instead of following the ritualistic and materialistic form.
  3. Religious movements which were against Vedas: Religious movements like Buddhism and Jainism gained popularity. They were against the Vedic ideals, such as the Varnashram system.  

Causes for changes in the nature of Religion:  

  • Sacrifices and rituals: Sacrifices became even more elaborate in the later Vedic period and attained public and private character. The rising complexities of rituals and yajnas gave further impetus to the priestly class.
  • Reaction against the Varna System: Brahmanas claimed the highest status in the post-Vedic society. Kshatriyas reacted strongly against the Brahman domination, which created tensions.
  • Reaction against priestly domination: Towards the end of the Vedic period, a strong reaction against cults, rituals, and priestly domination began, especially in the land of Panchala and Videha (a tribe settled in North Bihar), where around 600 BC, the Upanishads were compiled. These philosophical texts criticized the rituals and stressed the right belief and knowledge.
  • Assimilation of cultures: Post-Vedic texts like Atharva Veda suggest the assimilation of Aryan culture with non-Aryan practices and beliefs.
  • Tribal gods: The two important Rigvedic gods, Indra and Agni, lost their former importance, and instead, many tribal gods were added to the pantheon.

Conclusion: Even though various aspects of the Vedic Religion were still maintained, the Vedic Religion changed its form, gaining a greater Philosophical depth. Thus, it should be apt to term the Later Vedic times as an age of Religious revolutions.

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