26 June 2024 : Daily Answer Writing
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26 June 2024 : Daily Answer Writing

Q1) “The art of painting in India has a rich and diverse history, with works that are not only aesthetically beautiful, but also offer insights into the social, cultural, and political contexts in which they were created.” Elaborate. (250 Words/15 Marks) ANS The art of painting in India has a captivating and extensive history that…

25 June 2024 : Daily Answer Writing
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25 June 2024 : Daily Answer Writing

Q1) “Peace is not mere absence of war; it is presence of justice.” (150 Words/10 Marks) AN Peace is a stress-free state of security and calmness that comes when there’s absence of violence, commotion and war, and everything coexists in perfect harmony and freedom. Peace is seen as an absence of war due to following…

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22 June 2024 : Daily Answer Writing

Q1) Citizen’s Charter is the most important cog in the wheel of citizen centric governance. In the light of this statement, discuss various challenges in the successful implementation of citizen charter. ANS Citizen’s Charter is a document of government commitments to public w.r.t. services provided or to be provided to them. Its basic objective is…

21 June 2024 : Daily Answer Writing
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21 June 2024 : Daily Answer Writing

Q1) What does the following quote mean to you: “Justice without force is futile, force without justice is tyrannical.” ANS Justice means fair treatment of people and giving them what they deserve. Effectiveness of justice often requires use of force, creating a contested territory for ethics. Justice without force would be futile because of the…

20 June 2024 : Daily Answer Writing
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20 June 2024 : Daily Answer Writing

Q1) Describe the significance of the following for civil services: i) Neutrality ii) Intellectual Courage iii) Diligence iv) Selflessness (150 Words/10 Marks)     ANS i) Neutrality: Neutrality in civil services implies that civil servants should exercise their duties and powers solely in accordance with the will of the elected government without prejudice to their…

19 June 2024 : Daily Answer Writing
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19 June 2024 : Daily Answer Writing

Q1) Discuss the importance of persuasion as an essential skill in a civil servant. Enlist at least five qualities that make civil servants effective agents of persuasion. ANS Persuasion is a technique of attitude change which deliberately targets the people to ensure either compliance or conformity so that they exhibit an attitude as desired by…

18 June 2024 : Daily Answer Writing
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18 June 2024 : Daily Answer Writing

Q1) Good governance is based on the rule of law which itself is situated on a strong ethical foundation. In this light, discuss the importance of ethics for good governance. (150 Words/10 Marks)   ANS Good governance implies efficient and effective governance system which protects the citizen interests and maintains trust in the social contract…

15 June 2024 : Daily Answer Writing
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15 June 2024 : Daily Answer Writing

Q1) Administrative accountability is necessary to regulate administrative discretion. What do you mean by administrative accountability? What kind of mechanisms are available for ensuring the accountability of the administrator ANS Administrative accountability means an institutionalised mechanism (legal and procedural) through which public servants are bound to the following three elements of governance: 1. Answerability: The…

14 June 2024 : Daily Answer Writing
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14 June 2024 : Daily Answer Writing

Q1) ‘The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.’ (150 Words/10 Marks) ANS Kant defined evil as human beings’ tendency to act against the universal moral law. The outcome of one’s natural tendency, or innate propensity, towards evil are actions or “deeds” that…