Everything You Need To Know About The Vice President Of India Upsc Notes

The Vice President of India UPSC Notes

Vice President of India

Article 63 of the Indian Constitution provides that there shall be a Vice-President of India. The Vice President of India is the second highest Constitutional Post after the President. The position of the Indian Vice-President is modelled on the American Vice-President as s/he performs the dual role of Vice-President and the ex-officio Chairperson of the Rajya Sabha.

Qualifications of Vice President of India

The eligibility to stand for the election of the Vice-President is the following:

  1. S/he should be a citizen of India;
  2. S/he should have completed 35 years of age;
  3. S/he should be qualified for election as a member of the Rajya Sabha.
  4. Further, 20 electors must support his/her candidacy as proposers, and 20 electors must back as seconders.
  5. Every candidate must deposit 15000 in the Reserve Bank of India.

Everything You Need To Know About The Vice President Of India Upsc Notes

Conditions of Office

  1. S/he should not hold any office of Profit under any public authority. The sitting President, Vice-President, or Governor of any state or minister of the Union and states is not considered to hold any office of Profit and hence eligible for the election.
  2. S/he must not be a member of either house of the Parliament or any state legislature. If such a member is elected as the Vice-President, s/he is deemed to have vacated his/her seat on the date of entering his/her office.

Oath of Vice President

Article 69 provides for the oath or affirmation of the Vice-President of India. The President of India administers the oath of office and secrecy.Oath Of Vice President- Upsc Notes

Vice President Election

The Vice-President is elected through an indirect election by an electoral college comprised of both elected and nominated members of the Parliament.

Election Disputes

  • The Supreme Court adjudicates all doubts and disputes regarding the election of the Vice-President, and its decision is final.
  • If the election of the Vice President is declared void, all acts done by him/her before such declaration remain valid.

Term of Office, Emoluments, Removal and Vacancy in the office

  • The Vice-President of India serves a five-year term from the date s/he enters the office.
  • S/he can resign from the office anytime by addressing the resignation letter to the President.

Emoluments of Vice President

  • The Constitution does not provide any emoluments to the Vice-President in that capacity. S/he draws his remunerations as the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha.
  • When s/he acts as the President, s/he is not entitled to the remunerations and allowances of the Rajya Sabha chairman but the remuneration and allowance of the President.

Removal of Vice President

  • The removal of the vice president does not require a formal impeachment
  • S/he can be removed by a resolution by all the members of the Rajya Sabha (Effective majority) and agreed to by the Lower House (Simple majority). Such a resolution can only be introduced in the Rajya Sabha.
  • Further, a 14-day notice should be given to the Vice-President before such a resolution.
  • No grounds have been mentioned in the Constitution for his/her removal.
  • S/he can hold the office beyond the term of 5 years until his/her successor assumes charge. This provision has been provided to avoid ‘interregnum’ (the period between two successive terms).
  • S/he is eligible for re-election for any number of times.

Vacancy of the vice-president office

  • The office of the Vice-President can be vacant in the following instances:
    1. On the expiry of his/her tenure;
    2. By his resignation;
    3. By his removal;
    4. By his death
    5. Or when s/he is disqualified from the office or his/her election is declared void.
  • The vacancy caused by the expiry of the term must be filled before the expiration of the term.
  • The vacancy caused by any other reason (other than the expiry of the term) must be filled as soon as possible.
  • The newly elected Vice-President completes its full five-year term.

The Dual Role of the Vice-President

The Vice-President of India has been conferred with the dual role of the Chairman of the upper house and the President in certain contingencies. This is a particularly unique feature in a Parliamentary form of government. The Constitution makers adopted this feature from the American Presidential system.

The two-fold functions of the Vice-President are:

  1. As the ex-officio Chairman of the Upper house, s/he presides over the proceedings of the Rajya Sabha. In this capacity, his/her powers and functions are similar to the speaker of the Lok Sabha.
  2. S/he also discharges the function of the President in case of vacancy in the President’s office due to his removal, resignation, and death or otherwise. S/he can be the President only for 6 months, within which a new President has to be elected.
  3. S/he also discharges the function of President in his/her absence, illness or any other cause.
  4. While discharging the duties of the President or acting as President, s/he cannot perform the duties of the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha; the Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha performs those functions.

Everything You Need To Know About The Vice President Of India Upsc Notes

Position of the Vice-President in India

Even though the position of Vice-President is modelled on the Vice-President of the United States of America, there is a major difference. The Vice-President in the USA succeeds the office of the President when it falls vacant and continues for the rest of the terms, whereas in India, the Vice-President merely serves as the acting President until a new President assumes charge.

Thus, it is clear that the Indian Constitution does not envisage a powerful Vice-President and this office was created primarily for the maintenance of political continuity of the Indian State.

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