Article 2 of Indian Constitution: Admission or establishment of New States- Notes for UPSC

Original Text of Article 2 of Indian Constitution: Article 2 of Indian Constitution Parliament may by law admit into the Union or establish new States on such terms and conditions as it thinks fit. Article 2A of the constitution *Omitted* Sikkim to be associated with the Union. Article 2 of Indian Constitution Explanation: Article 2 of…

13 Dec 2023 : Daily Answer Writing

Mains Answer Writing 13-December-2023 1. “The changing nature of revolutionary extremism in the Indian national movement reflected a broader shift in political consciousness.” Substantiate. ANSWER Revolutionary extremism refers to a political or social ideology that advocates for radical and revolutionary changes to the existing scheme of things. The Indian national movement was characterized by various…


13 Dec 2023 : PIB

PRESS INFORMATION BUREAU 13-December -2023 1. PROMOTING SMART FARMING Topic: GS3 – Indian agriculture Context: Encouraging the implementation of advanced farming practices to enhance efficiency and sustainability in agricultural processes. Overall Initiatives: The adoption of modern and smart farming technologies in India is influenced by factors such as socioeconomic conditions, geographical features, crop types, and…


13 Dec 2023 : Indian Express

Indian Express 13- December-2023 1) Eye on Kashmir Topic: Polity Context: India’s geopolitical environment has significantly changed with the recent Supreme Court ruling that upholds the split of Ladakh and the repeal of Article 370 for Jammu and Kashmir. This analysis looks at the problems and opportunities that lay ahead as well as the impact…


13 Dec 2023 : Daily Current Affairs

Daily Current Affairs 13-December-2023 1. Lok Sabha passes Bills for women’s quota in J&K, Puducherry. Topic: GS2 – Indian polity Context: Lok Sabha passed two Bills extending the provisions of the Constitution (106th Amendment) Act for 33% reservation for women in Lok Sabha and State Assemblies. Additional information on the news: The extension applies to…


13 December 2023 : The Hindu Editorial Notes PDF

The Hindu Editorial 13-December-2023 1. An anti-terror law and its interference with liberty Topic: GS2:- Polity: Freedom of Expression Context: Fahad Shah, a journalist,was arrested under UAPA for publishing an article. He was granted bail in three other cases and had preventive detention orders quashed. He remained in custody due to allegations under FIR No.1/2022. High…

Article 1 of Indian Constitution: Name and territory of the Union- Notes for UPSC

Original Text of Article 1 of Indian Constitution (1) India, that is, Bharat, shall be a Union of States. (2) The States and the territories thereof shall be as specified in the First Schedule. (3) The territory of India shall comprise— (a) the territories of the States; [(b) the Union territories specified in the First…

Legislative Procedures In The State Legislature – Upsc Notes

Legislative Procedures in the State Legislature – UPSC Notes

The legislative procedure in the state legislature is somewhat similar to the procedure in the Parliament; however, since the Legislative Council has much fewer powers as compared to the Rajya Sabha, there are some differences in the legislative procedure in the state legislature, which we will discuss here: 1)  Regarding Ordinary Bill Introduction: The bill…

Presiding Officers Of State Legislature – Upsc Notes

Presiding Officers of State Legislature – UPSC Notes

Both houses of the state legislature have a presiding officer; the state assembly has a Speaker as the principal presiding officer and a deputy speaker to assist them and preside over the chair in their absence. Similarly, the legislative Council (in the case of a bicameral legislature is presided over by the Chairman (Chairperson) and…

The State Legislature Upsc Notes

The State Legislature UPSC Notes

In India, the Constitution makers adopted a parliamentary form of government at the state and union levels. According to former President KR Narayanan, “Parliament and legislatures constitute the head and front of the body-politics in India. They are the institutional embodiments of the audacious experiment in democracy by the founding fathers of our republic.” Articles…