
13 Dec 2023 : Indian Express

Indian Express

13- December-2023

1) Eye on Kashmir

Topic: Polity


  • India’s geopolitical environment has significantly changed with the recent Supreme Court ruling that upholds the split of Ladakh and the repeal of Article 370 for Jammu and Kashmir.
  • This analysis looks at the problems and opportunities that lay ahead as well as the impact of the court’s ruling on India’s historical attitude to Kashmir.

End of Defensive Strategic Orientation:

  • Declaring that Kashmir is not subject to “external” negotiation, the Supreme Court has clarified India’s “internal” connection with the region.
  • This decision puts an end to Delhi’s long-standing defensive strategic orientation, which developed in the 1990s, a precarious time for India’s independence.

Task Ahead for NDA Government:

  • Even though India has successfully closed the legal door on its complete sovereignty over Kashmir, outside interference continues.
  • The NDA government’s agenda includes strengthening India’s all-encompassing national power, discouraging China and Pakistan from encroaching on Indian territory, and lessening the impact of external forces in Kashmir.

International Dynamics in the Past:

  • It is important to consider the challenges India has encountered over the past three decades in handling the international dynamics in Kashmir, especially during the insurgency in the late 1980s.
  • Pakistan’s military and diplomatic backing for insurgency was strengthened by the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, which prompted international interventions and crises.

Changing International Perception:

  • The international community will accept India’s changing and forceful stance on Kashmir in spite of historical obstacles.
  • Given India’s growing political self-assurance and influence in the international system, the geopolitical shift is noteworthy.

Optimism Amid Challenges:

  • The obstacles that lie ahead shouldn’t be overshadowed by the optimism in Delhi. It seems improbable that China and Pakistan will acknowledge the Supreme Court’s ruling as pertinent to their long-standing policy over Kashmir.
  • It is anticipated that the diplomatic stances and global interest in Kashmir will not alter, particularly in the Islamic and Western worlds.

Building a Sustainable Political Compact:

  • The creation of a new, durable political agreement in Kashmir is necessary for the resolution of foreign issues.
  • In order to change how the world views the Kashmir dispute, India must concentrate on fostering peace and development in the area.

Pakistan’s Continued Role:

  • Pakistan’s potential to cause trouble in Kashmir has not diminished, despite its strategic capacity vis-à-vis India.
  • The situation is made more complex by Pakistan and China’s growing collaboration.
  • In spite of these obstacles, India has more international support than ever to establish a “New Kashmir.”


  • The verdict of the Supreme Court ushers in a new era in Indian policy towards Kashmir.
  • In addition to addressing external issues, establishing a long-term political agreement and advancing regional peace and development are also necessary for a durable resolution.
  • India has a chance to positively portray Kashmir in the world community thanks to its shifting geopolitical standing.

2) The go-to nation

Topic: GS3- Economics


  • The article highlights the importance of India’s economic strength by drawing a comparison between China’s economic growth in 2007 and India’s current GDP of $3.7 trillion.
  • It considers how China changed after 2008 to become a major player in world politics and the economy.

Strategic Lesson:

  • The article draws attention to the key takeaway from China’s approach, which is to use economic promise to gain excessive power.
  • China’s reaction to the global financial crisis, including the Belt and Road Initiative, strengthened its standing internationally.

India’s Potential and Gumption

  • According to the analysis, India, equipped with a GDP that is comparable to China’s at that time, is at a turning point in history, much like China was in 2008.
  • It raises concerns about India’s willingness and ability to seize this opportunity strategically.
  • The article argues that India can have a significant impact on the world stage given its $4 trillion economy.
  • It is expected of India to show off its capabilities and bring value to global institutions, security, and growth.

Additionality and Attributes

  • India’s distinct contribution to global development is known as additionality, and it requires a well-defined structure similar to what China proposed in 2008.
  • The article promotes features, a roadmap, and an architecture that highlight India’s distinct history and advantages.
  • India is thought to have a platform economy, stressing a green and digital future, whilst China is seen to have mass manufacturing.
  • The claim is that India’s growth trajectory fits the demands of the coming decade.

Development Finance and Global Role

  • According to the article, India has the potential to emerge into a major worldwide source of development financing, even at a moderate rate.
  • Alongside India’s economic expansion, public development money will be vital, and the private sector is mobilising for international projects.
  • The goal of India is to represent the Global South and act as its bank. The article emphasises the necessity of a development finance organisation with an international focus, a bank like the China Development Bank, and a distinct visual identity that is recognisable throughout the world.

India’s External Engagement Approach

Strategic Vision: The article, taking a cue from India’s Gati Shakti project, is in favour of an external engagement strategy. In order to reflect India’s vision for its global role in 2024, this involves mapping business hubs, communication routes, priority infrastructure, and developmental projects.

Bold and Determined Action: The need for India to clearly define its place in the world is emphasised in the conclusion. The article emphasises working together with partners that share similar goals, designating 2024 as the year that India’s global map and vision are firmly established.

For Enquiry




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