
16 April 2024 : Indian Express Editorial Analysis

Indian Express Editorial Analysis


1. No longer a shadow war

Topic: GS2 – International Relations –

This topic is relevant for both Prelims and Mains in the context of knowing facts about Iran- Israel relations.


  • Iran launched an unprecedented drone and missile offensive against Israel, marking a significant escalation in the long-running shadow war between the two countries
  • This attack was in response to a suspected Israeli strike in Syria on April 1 that killed two Iranian generals.

The Attack and its Consequences:

  • Iran launched over 300 drones, ballistic missiles, and cruise missiles at Israel, primarily from its own territory and from Iran-backed groups in various neighboring countries.
  • The attack resulted in minimal damage, with only a few ballistic missiles breaching Israeli and U.S. air defenses and striking Israeli soil.
  • The IDF reported that 170 drones were launched at Israel from Iran, with Israeli Air Force jets downing dozens of them. U.S. aircraft stationed in Saudi Arabia and Jordan contributed to the interception efforts, shooting down between 70 and 80 drones.

Iran’s Strategic Objective:

  • The strategic objective of Iran’s attack was to overwhelm Israeli and U.S. air defenses with drones and cruise missiles, paving the way for the deployment of Iran’s ballistic missiles.
  • This attack marked a shift in Tehran’s approach in the ongoing Middle Eastern conflict and represented a delicate balance between retaliation and avoiding further military escalation.

International Response:

  • World leaders have urged Israel not to retaliate, with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak calling for restraint to avoid a rising spiral of violence in the Middle East.
  • French President Emmanuel Macron has condemned Iran’s attack as a “disproportionate response” and a “very dangerous” act in the volatile Middle East.
  • The U.S. has not participated in any offensive operations against Iran but has reiterated its support for Israel and its commitment to protecting U.S. forces and interests in the region. 
  • The U.N. Security Council is expected to hold an emergency meeting to address the situation.

Potential for Wider Conflict:

  • The potential for wider conflict in the region has heightened due to the ongoing war in Gaza.
  • However, Iran has maintained that it does not seek all-out war. The international community’s focus has shifted from pressuring Israel over its actions in Gaza to deescalating regional tensions.
  • Israel’s potential for further military action is met with skepticism from its allies, including the United States.


  • Iran’s unprecedented drone and missile offensive against Israel marks a significant escalation in the long-running shadow war between the two countries.
  • While the attack resulted in minimal damage, it represents a shift in Tehran’s approach and a delicate balance between retaliation and avoiding further military escalation.
  • The international community has urged restraint and called for de-escalation of regional tensions.
Impact on the World


Economic Implications:

  • High Oil Prices: The immediate impact will be higher oil prices.  Crude oil, already trading near six-month highs, may cross $100 per barrel if tension worsens.
  • Disruptions to Supply-Chain: An all-out war will cause supply chain disruptions as Iran will execute its threat to shut down the Suez Canal.
  • Threat of High Inflation: All this will push inflation up just when developed countries are looking to reduce interest rates. Global economic growth could fall below the 3.1% that the International Monetary Fund has projected for 2024.
  • Challenge for International Diplomacy:
  • This conflict might impact the Iran nuclear deal talk. Also, any further escalation could hamper peace processes in the region, with countries prioritizing national security concerns over diplomatic resolutions.
  • Impact on Global Political Alignments:
  • With the involvement of the US in support for Israel, there may be shifts in international relations such as Russia and China might support Iran.
  • Regional Destabilization:
  • Both Israel and Iran hold significant importance in the region, and any escalation between them would destabilize regional stability.
  • Other countries such as Syria, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia could be drawn into a broader conflict. 


Practice Question:  What could be the possible impact on the regional stability as a result of the tensions simmering between Iran and Israel? Examine (150 words/10 m)


2. Religion is for adults only

Topic: GS2 – Governance – Government policies – Interventions for development in various sectors

GS2– Social Justice

This topic is relevant for both Prelims and Mains as the analysis on the Registration of Births and Deaths Act provides insights into contemporary legislative developments and their societal impact.


  • The Registration of Births and Deaths (Amendment) Act, 2023, mandates the maintenance of a national-level birth and death database and includes the registration of parents’ religions if they belong to different faiths.
  • This amendment aims to update various databases, including the National Population Register and electoral rolls, among others.

Implications and Clarifications:

  • The article delves into the implications of categorizing a child’s religion at birth and challenges the notion of an “adult” in legal terms versus in the context of religious identity.
  • It argues that associating religion with a child from birth restricts their freedom and poses a threat to their growth and development, asserting that such a practice violates human rights and fosters communalism and patriarchy.

Human Rights Concerns and Developmental Impact:

  • The piece highlights the developmental significance of the early years of a child’s life and argues that exposure to certain religious beliefs during this critical period can shape their lifelong attitudes and behaviors.
  • It stresses that while physical and mental impairments caused by DNA can potentially be addressed, those stemming from prejudices and predetermined beliefs are harder to rectify.
  • Drawing from Gautama Buddha’s journey, it emphasizes the importance of individuals forging their own paths free from societal constraints.

Historical Perspectives and Scientific Progress:

  • The article invokes historical examples, such as Galileo’s persecution by the Roman Catholic Church, to illustrate the dangers of established religions stifling scientific inquiry and intellectual freedom.
  • It underscores the pivotal role of children in shaping future generations and warns against institutionalizing practices that perpetuate cruelty and division under the guise of righteousness.


  • The article urges policymakers to reconsider laws that impose religious labels on children at birth, as they risk perpetuating harmful ideologies and stifling individual growth.
  • It emphasizes the responsibility of parents and lawmakers to create an environment conducive to genuine personal development and societal progress, free from the shackles of inherited beliefs and institutionalized cruelty.
How will States share the Data and its Significance?
  • As per the amendment, States will have to sign a MoU with the Registrar General of India (RGI) to share the Application Programming Interface (API) from where the data can be pulled out.
  • While all States are required to use the Civil Registration System (CRS) operated by the RGI to issue birth and death certificates, there are some States which have their own applications.
  • The database will be used to update the population register or the National Population Register (NPR) – the first step towards the creation of the National Register of Indian Citizens (NRIC) or NRC.
  • The NPR, which was first prepared in 2010 and revised through door-to-door enumeration in 2015, already has a database of 119 crore residents.
  • The real-time updation of the data on births and deaths will eliminate the requirement of such enumeration to a large extent.
  • It will also give a clear picture of population figures in real-time.The database will also be used to update the electoral register, Aadhaar, ration card, passport and driving licence databases.


Practice Question:  What are the key concerns surrounding the Registration of Births and Deaths (Amendment) Act, 2023, and its mandate to record parents’ religion during birth registration? (250 words/15 m)

For Enquiry




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