Everything You Need To Know About 16 September 2023 : The Hindu Editorial Notes Pdf

16 September 2023 : The Hindu Editorial Notes PDF

The Hindu Editorial


Daily Current Affairs For UPSC ,The Hindu Editorial Summary




1. In diverse India, name change demands consensus.

Topic: GS2 – Indian polity.


The recent controversy surrounding the nomenclature of India’s President, referring to the position as the “President of Bharat” in an official invitation for the G-20 summit, has ignited a broader debate. This debate touches upon the political atmosphere, constitutional nuances, and the need for a consensus-driven approach in a diverse and historically rich nation like India.

Constitutional Perspective:

From a constitutional standpoint, the title of the head of state in India is officially designated as the “President of India” under Article 52 of the Constitution. Changing this title would require a constitutional amendment, a process that involves legal procedures and broad consensus.

Interchangeability of Names:

The heart of the controversy lies in the interpretation of Article 1 of the Constitution, which mentions “India, that is Bharat, shall be a Union of States.” While some argue that this suggests interchangeability of “India” and “Bharat,” this interpretation is disputed.

Use of “Bharat” in the Constitution:

 It is crucial to note that while “Bharat” is used in the Hindi version of the Constitution, it does not stand as an independent word in the original Constitution. It is intended solely for the Hindi translation. Article 394A(2) reinforces this point by stating that translations of the Constitution should have the same meaning as the original text.

Official Name Confusion:

Using “Bharat” interchangeably with “India” in official communication could potentially lead to confusion, especially in international agreements and treaties. India’s official name, used in dealings with foreign countries and international bodies, is the “Republic of India.”

Historical Background:

The inclusion of “Bharat” alongside “India” in Article 1 of the Constitution resulted from compromises made during the Constituent Assembly debates. Various members suggested different formulations, but the final wording aimed to clarify that “India, that is Bharat” implies that “Bharat” is a translation of “India” and not an independent designation.

Consensus and National Identity:

Changing the name of a country is not a matter of political party agenda but one that requires broad consensus, considering the diverse nature of India. Ensuring that every citizen can emotionally connect with the country’s name is essential to prevent feelings of alienation among certain sections of the population.

Anti-Colonial Sentiment:

The recent debate about changing the country’s name raises questions about the newfound anti-colonial sentiment. While it’s essential to address aspects of colonial history, it is equally important to do so in a manner that aligns with the country’s motto of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam,” emphasizing the interconnectedness of all nations.


The controversy surrounding the nomenclature of India’s President highlights a broader discussion about the country’s official name, constitutional provisions, and the need for a consensus-driven approach. While change is a constant in the dynamic political landscape, it must be approached with sensitivity to historical and constitutional contexts, as well as the diverse identities and aspirations of India’s citizens.

2. A GM crop decision that cuts the mustard

Topic: GS3 – GM crops

The Need for Genetic Engineering in Agriculture:

  • Global food and nutritional security is a growing challenge due to climate change.
  • Achieving the ‘Zero Hunger’ target by 2030 is difficult without adopting science-based technologies.
  • Genetic engineering, including genetically modified (GM) crops, is essential to improve crop productivity.

The Importance of GM Crops:

  • To increase food production and self-reliance, India needs superior crop varieties and hybrids.
  • The Green Revolution significantly boosted food production but new biotech/GM crops are needed to address climate change and provide nutrient-dense food.

Global Adoption of GM Crops:

  • GM crops have been adopted in 72 countries, with 56% of GM crop cultivation in developing nations.
  • GM crops have benefited over 1.95 billion people, contributing to food, feed, and fiber security.

Economic Gains from GM Crops:

  • Globally, GM crops have contributed $224.9 billion in economic benefits to over 16 million farmers, primarily in developing countries.
  • GM food crops have been proven safe for over 25 years.

Focus on Mustard Production:

  • India faces a significant deficit in edible oils, with 60% of demand met by imports.
  • Mustard, a crucial oil crop in India, has low per-hectare yields compared to the global average.

Genetic Engineering for Mustard Improvement:

  • Research at the Centre for Genetic Manipulation of Crop Plants (CGMCP), University of Delhi South Campus, aims to develop a GM mustard hybrid (DMH-11) with higher vigor and yield.
  • The GM mustard hybrid uses the barnase/barstar system, enhancing domestic edible oil production and farm incomes.

Government Approval and Self-Reliance:

  • In October 2022, the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) approved the release of DMH-11 for cultivation.
  • This decision supports genetic engineering research, widens mustard genetic diversity, and improves disease resistance and oil quality.
  • GM mustard hybrids can increase yields, farmer incomes, reduce edible oil imports, and promote self-reliance in edible oil production.
  • The environmental release of DMH-11 signifies a new era of self-reliance and sustainability in Indian agriculture.


Genetic engineering, including GM crops like mustard, plays a crucial role in addressing food security, increasing crop yields, and achieving self-reliance in edible oil production. This technology offers promising solutions to meet the complex challenges of global food and nutritional security in the face of a changing climate.

Mains question: What are the key advantages and concerns surrounding the cultivation of genetically modified (GM) crops in the context of India’s agricultural landscape?

For Enquiry




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