Everything You Need To Know About 4 September 2023 : The Hindu Editorial Notes Pdf

4 September 2023 : The Hindu Editorial Notes PDF

The Hindu Editorial


Daily Current Affairs For UPSC ,The Hindu Editorial Summary




1. Aditya-L1 gives India’s space programme one more boundary to push.

Topic: GS3 – Science and technology.

ISRO’s Lunar Achievement and Aditya-L1 Launch:

  • About a week after successfully soft-landing a robotic lander and rover on the moon’s south polar region, ISRO launched India’s first dedicated solar mission, Aditya-L1.
  • This marks a significant milestone in India’s space program, showcasing its growth and maturity in space exploration.

Aditya-L1’s Solar Study Objectives:

  • Aditya-L1’s primary objective is to study the Sun, focusing on the sun’s multiple wavelengths using seven instruments.
  • The Sun, despite being the closest star to Earth and extensively observed, still holds many secrets, including the mysteries of the solar wind and the coronal heating problem.

Solar Wind and Space Weather Implications:

  • Aditya-L1’s findings on the solar wind, a stream of charged particles from the Sun, could have implications for understanding space weather and protecting spacecraft.
  • Space missions in the future could benefit from Aditya-L1’s insights into the Sun’s influence on space conditions.

Journey to the L1 Lagrange Point:

  • Aditya-L1 will travel to the L1 Lagrange point, located 1.5 million kilometers from Earth. This position provides an unobstructed view of the Sun.
  • The spacecraft will stay in a halo orbit around the L1 point, enabling continuous solar observation.

Data Transmission and Navigational Expertise:

  • Aditya-L1 must efficiently record and transmit data to Earth to enable real-time solar monitoring.
  • ISRO has demonstrated its expertise in complex interplanetary navigation tasks, with past missions like Chandrayaan. This experience will benefit Aditya-L1.

Pushing Boundaries for Solar Physics:

  • While Aditya-L1 may seem relatively simple compared to recent ISRO achievements, it presents another frontier for the Indian space program and the national solar physics community to explore.

2. Measuring hunger across States

Topic: GS3.

Food Insecurity and Hunger in India:

  • India, despite being a major food producer with extensive food security programs and the largest public distribution system globally, still faces significant levels of food insecurity, hunger, and child malnutrition.

 Global Hunger Index (GHI) Ranking:

  • In the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2022, India was ranked 107 out of 121 countries, indicating its challenges in addressing hunger and malnutrition.
  • This ranking places India behind countries like Nigeria and Pakistan.

 GHI Dimensions:

  • The GHI tracks undernourishment, hunger, and child malnutrition at the national level, considering calorie undernourishment, child malnutrition, and under-five mortality as key dimensions.

 State Hunger Index (SHI):

  • The State Hunger Index (SHI) leverages subnational data to assess hunger at the state and union territory level.
  • It uses indicators like child stunting, wasting, under-five mortality, and body mass index (BMI) undernourishment among working-age individuals to compute scores.

 SHI Categories:

  • SHI scores range from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating more hunger.
  • Scores below 10 signify low hunger, 10-20 moderate, 20-30 serious, 30-40 alarming, and 50 or above extremely alarming.

 State-Level Hunger Insights:

  • States like Bihar, Jharkhand, and Chhattisgarh scored 35, placing them in the ‘alarming’ category.
  • Several states scored above the national average (29), similar to the performance of African nations.
  • States like Chandigarh, Sikkim, Puducherry, and Kerala scored below 16, falling into the ‘moderate hunger’ category.
  • The majority of states, scoring below the national average and above 20, face ‘serious hunger,’ with no state in the ‘low hunger’ category.

 Challenges and Concerns:

  • India’s GHI score has worsened over the past five years, primarily due to an increase in calorie undernourishment.
  • Despite government disputes, empirical evidence supporting these claims is lacking.
  • Data on calorie undernourishment at the national and subnational levels has not been updated since 2011-12.

 Child Malnutrition and Food Insecurity:

  • India’s poor GHI performance is attributed to high levels of undernourishment and child malnutrition.
  • India ranks unfavorably in child wasting, worse than many low-income African nations.
  • Challenges persist in addressing food insecurity, hunger, and child malnutrition despite progress in reducing extreme poverty.

Mains question: Discuss the various methodologies and indices used for measuring hunger in India. Highlight the strengths and limitations of these approaches. How can India develop a more comprehensive and accurate measurement framework to address the issue of hunger effectively?”

3. The northern plains of India is the most polluted region.

Topic: GS3 – pollution.


  • Failing to meet the World Health Organization’s (WHO) guidelines on reducing 5 pollution to 5 g/m3 would reduce global life expectancy by 2.3 years, according to the Air Quality Life Index (AQLI) 2021 data.
  • Ambient particulate pollution is identified as the world’s greatest external risk to human health.

What does the Air Quality Life Index (AQLI) 2021 data say:

  • South Asia has experienced a 9.7% increase in particulate pollution from 2013 to 2021, which is estimated to decrease the region’s life expectancy by an additional six months.
  • Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan, home to 22.9% of the global population, are among the most polluted countries globally, with Bangladesh being the most polluted in 2021.
  • In India, the second-most polluted country in 2021, PM2.5 pollution exceeded WHO guidelines by more than 10 times, with the average Indian resident potentially losing 5.3 years of life expectancy.
  • Delhi, the world’s most polluted city, could see residents losing 11.9 years of life expectancy relative to WHO guidelines if pollution levels persist.
  • The northern plains of India, home to over half a billion people, is the most polluted region, with the average resident potentially losing about 8 years of life expectancy if pollution levels do not improve.
  • Pollution has spread to other parts of India over the last two decades, with significant increases in states like Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, resulting in additional years of life expectancy loss compared to 2000 levels.
  • AQLI’s life expectancy calculations are based on peer-reviewed studies that isolated the impact of particulate air pollution from other health factors, demonstrating the severe health consequences of air pollution.

Significance: some data can be used in mains answer about air pollution in India.

Mains question: What are the primary causes and consequences of poor air quality in India, and what measures should be taken to improve air quality in the country?

For Enquiry




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