Everything You Need To Know About 8 July 2023 : The Hindu Editorial

8 July 2023 : The Hindu Editorial

The Hindu Editorial


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1. Sobriety after the euphoria of the U.S. state visit.

Topic: GS2 – International relations.

What’s in the news?

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the United States is viewed as a major success and has enhanced India’s position as a prime defense technological partner of the U.S.

Prime Minister Modi’s visit to USA:

  • The visit resulted in promises of technology transfer, particularly in the production of fighter jet engines for the Indian Air Force, and agreements on critical technologies that could significantly boost India’s military and aerospace capabilities.
  • While some may view this as an attempt by the U.S. to persuade India to accept an alliance status, the fine print of the negotiations does not indicate this possibility at the moment.
  • Strategic ties between India and the U.S. are expected to reach a new dimension, but India still has a long way to go before being considered an alliance partner.
  • Comparisons can be made between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit in 2005 and Modi’s recent visit, with the civil nuclear deal being a significant achievement during Singh’s tenure.

Indian needs to be cautious:

  • It is important for India to be cautious and learn from history, as the U.S. can change its priorities and friends based on individual preferences and political dynamics.
  • India should utilize the outcomes of the visit to function as a “bridge power” and play a role in mediating conflicts in the Indo-Pacific, West Asia, and Europe.
  • India’s potential as a bridge between conflicting parties should be harnessed, rather than being drawn into a subordinate role to the U.S. in the politics of the Asia-Pacific.

Source: The Hindu, 8 July 2023, page 6

2. The long road to finding true peace in Yemen

Topic: GS2 – International relations.

Yemen crisis and recent developments:

  • In April, a diplomatic delegation from Saudi Arabia reached Sanaa airport for talks with the Houthi militia in Yemen, marking a potential breakthrough in the eight-year-long war.
  • The talks resulted in a six-month truce agreement and discussions over a two-year transition period to finalize the details of the post-war Yemeni state.

The present state of Yemen:

  • The war in Yemen has reached a stalemate, with the Houthis controlling the capital and the coalition controlling the sea and sky, leading to a severe humanitarian crisis.
  • Saudi Arabia has been eager to find a face-saving exit from the conflict, and the Saudi-Iran accord brokered by China has provided an opportunity for peace talks.
  • Challenges to the peace process include the Houthis’ demands for Saudi Arabia to pay salaries from Yemen’s oil revenues and provide compensation for war damage.
  • The Houthis also insist on direct negotiations with the Saudis, while the Saudis prefer to be mediators between the Yemeni factions.
  • The Houthis have the upper hand in the negotiations as they have effectively won the war, while the internationally recognized Yemeni government loses credibility.
  • The UAE’s control over ports in south Yemen gives it a dominant position in the western Indian Ocean, while Saudi Arabia seeks influence over south Yemeni provinces for strategic reasons.
  • The competing interests of regional powers, the diverse Yemeni factions, and potential Iranian involvement will likely prolong peace and stability in Yemen.

More information about the Yemen crisis:

The Yemen crisis is a complex and multifaceted conflict that has been ongoing since 2014. Here is some additional information about the crisis:

  • Background: The conflict in Yemen began with the Houthi rebellion, a Shia insurgent group from the north of the country. The Houthis, also known as Ansar Allah, launched a military campaign to take control of the capital city, Sanaa, and eventually ousted the internationally recognized government of President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi.
  • Saudi-led Intervention: In response to the Houthi takeover, a coalition of Arab states led by Saudi Arabia launched a military intervention in Yemen in March 2015. The coalition aimed to restore the Hadi government and push back Houthi forces.
  • Proxy War Dynamics: The Yemen conflict has become a proxy war between regional rivals. On one side, Saudi Arabia and its coalition allies, including the United Arab Emirates, support the Hadi government. On the other side, Iran has been accused of providing political, financial, and military support to the Houthis, although the extent of Iranian involvement is a matter of debate.
  • Humanitarian Crisis: The war has had devastating humanitarian consequences. Yemen is facing the world’s largest humanitarian crisis, with millions of people suffering from food insecurity, malnutrition, lack of access to clean water, and inadequate healthcare. The conflict has also resulted in the displacement of millions of Yemenis.
  • Airstrikes and Civilian Casualties: The Saudi-led coalition has carried out numerous airstrikes, some of which have hit civilian targets, including schools, hospitals, markets, and residential areas. Human rights organizations have documented significant civilian casualties, raising concerns about possible violations of international humanitarian law.
  • Blockade and Famine: The coalition has imposed a blockade on Yemen, restricting the flow of essential goods, including food, fuel, and medical supplies. This has exacerbated the humanitarian crisis, leading to widespread famine and a sharp increase in preventable diseases.
  • Fragmentation and Power Struggles: The conflict has led to further fragmentation within Yemen, with different factions and armed groups vying for control. Besides the Houthi rebels and the Hadi government, there are other groups such as southern separatists, Islamist militias, and Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) operating in different parts of the country.
  • Peace Efforts: Several attempts at finding a political solution to the conflict have been made, including UN-mediated negotiations and ceasefires. However, these efforts have faced significant challenges, with both sides often failing to adhere to agreements or engage in meaningful dialogue.

The Yemen crisis remains a complex and protracted conflict with no easy solutions. The humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate, and achieving lasting peace and stability in Yemen remains a significant challenge for the international community.

Source: The Hindu, 8 July 2023, page 6

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