BRICS Full Form, History and It’s Importance for India

BRICS Full Form

Full form of BRICS is Brazil, Russia, India , China , and South Africa. Initially it was BRIC, later South Africa joined in 2010 and led to BRICS expansion and then it became BRICS. Economist Jim O’Neill coined the term in 2001, predicting that by 2050, these economies would dominate world growth. 

BRICS countries provided institutional investors with high returns and a means of expanding their business overseas. 

The organization opposes the western sphere of power and works to strengthen economic cooperation among its member nations. 

Brics Full Form- Upsc Notes
Brics Full Form: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa

BRICS extended an invitation to Saudi Arabia, Iran  Ethiopia, The United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Argentina for membership in 2023.

What is BRICS? 

For many years, South Africa, Brazil, China, India and Russia were the top five emerging market economies in the world in terms of growth. This was made possible during a period of global commodities boom by cheap labour costs, a favorable population, and an abundance of natural resources. 

The collective priorities of the group are as follows:

Tackling issues in the region, such as the Iranian nuclear programme and the wars in Afghanistan, Syria and Libya addressing financial and economic concerns, such as International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank reforms creating the Mechanism for interbank cooperation among the BRICS. 

Why was BRICS created? 

Goldman Sachs established BRICS, an analytical coalition of developing market nations that had seen rapid economic expansion and were expected to rule the global economy by 2050. These nations now function as an unofficial alliance that aims to strengthen their economic connection. 

What are BRICS’s principal Objectives? 

  • Expanding, strengthening cooperation, progress, and influence in international affairs are the main objectives of the BRICS. In more detail, the BRICS aim to foster technological and innovative advancement, sustainable development, political coordination, social and cultural exchanges, economic cooperation,peace and security. 
  • To guarantee that relationships are based on each member nation’s unique economic capabilities and to minimize rivalry whenever wherever it exists, every member nation’s growth and development are taken into account. 
  • BRICS, which was first established primarily to address global financial challenges and reform institutions, now has been able to grow as a creative and inspiring Political-Diplomatic body because of its varied objectives. 

BRICS Countries

Brics Countries Are Brics Full Form
Brics Countries Are Brics Full Form

BRICS Summits – 15 Summits

1st BRICS Summit 2009 Russia
  • The 2008 Financial Crisis gave rise to various financial and economic challenges.
  • International financial institution Reformation
2nd BRICS summit 2010 Brazil
  • Several intra-BRICS cooperative institutions are launched. A think tank seminar and a gathering of national security advisors were also held during the conference.
3rd BRICS summit 2011 China
  • South Africa joins the association
  • Proposed UNSC reforms
  • New projects and ventures in Africa


BRICS summit

2012 India
  • Establishing the BRICS bank to provide funding for the group’s infrastructure needs and sustainable development initiatives in developing and third world countries.
  • The notion of NDB was proposed by India.
5th BRICS summit 2013 South Africa
  • A $100 billion total capital BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangements(CRA) was implemented.
  • The BRICS Think tank was established. The eThekwini Declaration was the name given to this.
6th BRICS summit 2014 Brazil
  • Inclusive Growth, Sustainable solutions was the theme.
  • Signed were constitutive agreements to finance sustainable development and infrastructure projects in emerging nations
7th BRICS summit 2015 Russia
  • accepting the joint summit’s establishing agreement between the Eurasian Economic Union, the SCO and the NDB.
8th BRICS summit 2016 India
  • Joint summit of BIMSTEC
9th BRICS summit 2017 China
  • Talk about the emerging markets and developing countries dialogue (EMDCD)
  • 2030 sustainable development agenda is discussed.
10th BRICS summit 2018 South Africa
  • Discussion on sustainable development and climate change and 4th industrial revolution.
11th BRICS summit 2019 Brazil
  • “Economic growth for an innovative future” was the theme
  • BRICS ratified the Brasilla Declaration
12th BRICS summit 2020 Russia
  • “BRICS partnership for global sustainability, shares security and innovative growth” is the theme of the 12th BRICS summit.
13th BRICS summit 2021 India
  • The theme of the 13th BRICS summit is “Intra-BRICS Cooperation: BRICS@15.”
14th BRICS summit 2022 China
  • “Foster high quality BRICS partnership, usher in a new era for global development” is the theme of the XIV BRICS Summit.
15th BRICS 2023 South Africa
  • The choice to add Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE to the BRICS meeting.

New Development Bank (NDB)

  • With its headquarters located in Shanghai, China, the NEW Development Bank (NDB), one of the global development organizations established by the BRICS, has been operating with success. 
  • It was founded in 2015 after being discussed during the 4th BRICS Summit in New Delhi in 2012.
  • The NDB will enhance BRICS cooperation and complement the work of international and regional financial institutions for global development, contributing to sustainable and balanced growth, according to the Fortaleza Declaration of the 6th BRICS Summit in 2014.
  • 24 investment projects totalling more than $11billion have been authorized since the organization began operations following the 2015 summit and are now being implemented, providing much needed funding for poor nations. 
  • The primary goal of NDB was go raise the capital and resources required for infrastructure and sustainable development projects. 
  • NDB proved beneficial to other developing nations and emerging economies in addition to the BRICS nations. 

NDB’s primary area of activities are:

  1. Unpolluted energy
  2. Resilient city development
  3. Development of agriculture and irrigation
  4. Infrastructure for transportation
  5. Every member of the BRICS group owns an equal share in the bank, and the NDB is working on its consultation process. 

Contingent Reserve Arrangement

The BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement is a tool for providing protection against pressure on global liquidity (CRA). This includes exchange rate issues that arise when pressures on the global economy have a detrimental effect on member’s national currencies. It has been discussed that the quick liberalization of economies in emerging nations increases economic volatility and produces an unstable macroeconomic environment. Both the CRA and the NEW Development Bank are viewed as competitors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and are often acknowledged as instances of expanding South-South cooperation. 

In 2015, the BRICS countries created it. The legal foundation is established by the Treaty for the establishment of a BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement, which was signed on July 15, 2014, in Fortaleza, Brazil. 

Brasilia Declaration

At the 11th BRICS summit in Brasilia, the BRICS members signed the Brasilia Declaration. The member’s commitment to respecting the goals and tenets of the UN charter, promoting multilateralism, and resolving significant crises via political means is reaffirmed in this declaration. 

Multilateralism shall be supported and promoted by the Brasilia Declaration

  • The United Nations predominant position in international affairs 
  • Respect for international law between parties
  • Restructuring multilateral frameworks
  • The challenges encountered by the world’s developing nations require the strengthening and reform of the main international organizations- the UN, WTO, and IMF. 

The global economy is significantly impacted by the US-China trade war. 

Developing nations and growing economies will be able to defend their own interest thanks to multilateralism. 

BRICS Effects on International Financial Institution. 

One of the main causes of the development of BRICS was the 2008 financial crisis. Following the subprime mortgage crisis, the dollar dominated financial system crumbled, casting doubt on its stability. 

The reform of multilateral institution was instituted by the BRICS group with the aim of modifying the global economic structure and augmenting the role of developing nations in the global economy. 

After BRICS succeeded in pushing for it in 2010, these institutional reforms led to the creation of the International Monetary Fund quota reform which further reduced the financial crisis brought on by the Western legislation. After this, BRICS became the “agenda settlers” in international organizations. 

FAQ’s Related to BRICS Full Form

What is the full form of BRICS?

BRICS Full Form Representing Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa.

Where is the headquarters of BRICS?

BRICS headquarters is located in Shanghai, China.

In which year was the very first BRICS summit held?

First BRICS summit was held in 2009.

Who floated the idea of BRICS?

Jim O’Neill, then chief economist Of Goldman Sachs floated the Idea of BRICS.

What is the significance of BRICS for India?

India can use the platform to Counterbalance the China-Russia Axis. Also, the function of BRICS in the G20 became crucial and Consequently, India stays a part of the formation of global economic policies and encourages financial Stability.

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