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18 September 2024 : Daily Answer Writing

Q1) The Arab-Israeli conflict should be understood as a product of both internal dynamics and the outcome of manipulative strategies employed by imperial powers. Comment.

(150 Words/10 Marks)


The Arab-Israeli conflict refers to the long drawn political, religious and military conflict in the Middle East region between Arab nations and Israel. The conflict has its roots in the internal dynamics between the Arab countries and Israel as can be seen from:

  1. Both the Arabs and the Israelis lay historic claim over the land that lies between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan river.
  2. The region is home to important archaeological and religious sites. E.g., Jerusalem houses the Holy Temple of Jews in Mount Moriah as well as the Al-Aqsa Mosque sacred to the Arabs.
  3. The geographical location of Israel presents a persistent security challenge for both Israelis and Palestinians. E.g., series of Arab-Israel wars and Intifadas (armed uprising) etc.,
  4. The development disparity between Palestinians and Israelis has made the contradictions starker.

Apart from the internal contradictions, the manipulative strategies of the imperial powers are also responsible for the conflict:

  1. The British leveraged the Arabs in their struggle against the Ottoman Empire during the First World War. In return of Arab support, the British promised Arabs an independent nation. They later went back on their promise. E.g., the Hussein-McMahon correspondence.
  2. The Balfour Declaration of 1917 promised the establishment of a national home for the Jews in Palestine. However, the Balfour declaration contradicted Hussein-McMahon correspondence.
  3. Secretly, the imperial powers Britain and France signed the Sykes-Picot agreement (Asia Minor agreement). As per this agreement, there was an understanding to mutually divide the Ottoman provinces between themselves.
  4. After the First World War the Middle Eastern region was divided between the imperial powers under the League of Nations mandate system.
  5. The tussle between superpowers for the dominance in Middle East further exacerbated the regional conflicts and delayed the process of peace and progress. E.g., Cold War rivalry between the USA and USSR.
  6. The institutions of global governance have had only limited success in resolving the Arab-Israel conflict. E.g., persisting plight for Palestinians despite several UN resolutions condemning Israel’s actions.

Resolution of the Arab-Israel conflict requires concerted global efforts:

  1. The human-rights and refugee crisis affecting the Palestinians should be collectively addressed. E.g., the efforts of UNRWA are a step in the right direction.
  2. There is a need to facilitate a political solution for the problem by promoting dialogue and shunning violence in the spirit of the Oslo Accords, Camp David Accords etc.
  3. Superpower rivalry in the Middle Eastern region should be checked in order to bolster cooperation in the region.
  4. Political and economic linkages should be strengthened to promote cooperation. E.g., Abraham accords.

The Arab-Israel conflict is the result of both the inherent contradictions and the superpower rivalry that continues to exist. It is a moral imperative to ameliorate the conflict to ensure the progress and development of all stakeholders.




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