Everything You Need To Know About 24 August 2023 : Daily Answer Writing

24 August 2023 : Daily Answer Writing

Mains Answer Writing

One of the key components of these exams is the written test, which consists of a number of essay and comprehension questions. Candidates are expected to write clear and well-structured answers that demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the topics being tested.





Q1. Although India preferred the British parliamentary system, it did not opt for the ‘doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty’. Explicate India’s reasons for doing so?

Solution :

 The systems of governance that divide power between the executive and legislative branches are known as the system of government. India’s decision not to adopt the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty, despite its preference for the British parliamentary system, can be analysed based on the following reasons:

  • Parliamentary Supremacy vs Constitutional Supremacy:

The doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty is based on the idea that Parliament is supreme and can make any law, even if it is inconsistent with the Constitution. This was unacceptable to India, which had a written Constitution that was intended to protect the rights of citizens.

  • Uncertainty in the Legislative Process: The doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty can lead to instability and uncertainty. If Parliament can change the law at any time, it is difficult for people to plan for the future. India wanted a more stable system of government.
  • Arbitrary Laws vs Citizens’ Rights: The doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty can lead to abuse of power. If Parliament is not subject to any checks and balances, it could pass laws that are harmful to the people. India wanted a system of government that would protect the rights of citizens.

Here are some additional reasons why India did not opt for the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty:

  • Multiculturalism and Pluralism: The doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty could have led to conflict between different groups, as each group would have tried to use Parliament to advance its own interests.
  • India had just gained Independence from British Rule: The Indian people were determined to create a new government that would be different from the British system. They wanted a government that would be more democratic and more accountable to the people.
  • The Indian Constitution was drafted by a Committee of Experts: who were familiar with the British system of government. However, they also drew on the experiences of other countries, such as the

United States and Canada. They were able to create a system of government that was both democratic and stable.

Instead of the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty, India adopted a system of constitutional supremacy. This means that the Constitution is supreme and Parliament cannot make any law that is inconsistent with it. This system of government was designed to protect the rights of citizens and to ensure a more stable and just society. The decision to adopt constitutional supremacy was a major turning point in Indian history. It helped to ensure that India would become a strong and stable democracy.

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Q2. What are the key challenges faced by India’s social security system in extending coverage to the informal workforce? Briefly outline potential strategies that could enhance the effectiveness of the system and provide equitable protection to all categories of workers.

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Q3. Discuss the significance of Chandrayaan-3’s successful moon landing for India’s space exploration program, considering its historical achievements, strategic implications, scientific objectives, and its role in shaping future space missions.

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Q4. How does the Indian Constitution accommodate differential treatment for states based on diverse cultural, ethnic, and geopolitical contexts? Explain the significance of this approach in maintaining the unity of the nation while respecting regional variations.

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Q5. Discuss the economic and cultural dimensions of the UK-India relationship. How can these dimensions be leveraged to further strengthen the relationship?

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Q6. The use of AI in governance is increasing, but it raises ethical challenges. Discuss the ethical challenges of using AI in governance and suggest ways to address them.

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