Everything You Need To Know About 23 August 2023 : Daily Answer Writing

23 August 2023 : Daily Answer Writing

Mains Answer Writing

One of the key components of these exams is the written test, which consists of a number of essay and comprehension questions. Candidates are expected to write clear and well-structured answers that demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the topics being tested.





Q. The idea that the Indian constitution was borrowed is fiction, as it is more inspired. Discuss

In a constitutional democracy such as India, the Constitution serves as the highest legal authority. Because many significant elements of the Indian Constitution were drawn from other sources, some critics believe it to be a borrowed document. such as:

  • Structural Elements – The GOI Act of 1935 is Quoted in several structural elements of our constitution, including the federal system, the judiciary, the post of governor, etc.
  • Legislative Parts of the Constitution, such as the cabinet system, rule of law, and parliamentary form of government, have all been adopted from the British Westminster system.
  • The Philosophical Part of the Constitution: For instance, the American and Irish constitutions served as the inspiration for several laws, such as the Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles of State Policies (DPSPs).
  • French Constitution– The ideals of liberty, equality and fraternity are inspired by the French Constitution.
  • South African Constitution-The details of the Constitutional Amendment have been borrowed from the South African Constitution.

As a result, critics referred to it as a “bag of borrowings“. But such allegations are only a myth, which can be justified under following section:

  • Overlapping Principles: In all democratic constitutions around the world, there are some fundamental elements that are shared. We also see some overlap in constitutional concepts because the Indian constitution was drafted in the late 1940s, by which time the majority of constitutional ideas had already been adopted by many other nations. For eg:-concepts like justice and equality.
  • Modification in Indian Context: The Constituent Assembly adjusted the clauses in accordance with Indian requirements and aspirations rather than slavishly copying them. For instance, “complete separation of state from religion” is what secularism in the West means, however, it refers to the fact that “the state treats all religions equally” in India.
  • Social Inclusion: The Indian Constitution has tried to encompass the needs of minorities and the backward sections of society. E.g., special provisions for Scheduled and Tribal areas in the constitution.
  • Organic Document: The Indian Constitution is a living document that has the ability to evolve with the changing times and thus remains relevant and sensitive to contemporary developments. Eg. Right to privacy, Panchayati Raj system, etc.

The Indian Constitution’s creativity can be seen in the way it arranges and changes several fundamental ideas in accordance with Indian ambitions. All constitutions must have identical main elements As Dr. B.R. Ambedkar said, “All constitutions, in their main provisions, must look similar. Variations have been made to remove the faults and accommodate the needs of the country.”

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Q. Discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with the implementation of food fortification programs in ensuring nutritional security in India. How can these challenges be effectively addressed to maximize the benefits of such programs?

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Q3. Discuss the significance of modernizing the district and subordinate judiciary in India for ensuring effective delivery of justice. Highlight the key benefits that modernization brings to the judiciary system, and elaborate on the challenges that need to be addressed for successful implementation.

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Q3. What are the primary challenges confronting the BRICS alliance? Suggest strategies to enhance cooperation and address these hurdles for greater collaboration among BRICS nations.

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