
12 December 2023 : The Hindu Editorial Notes PDF

The Hindu Editorial


1. Harvest the Odisha story to ensure food security

Topic: GS3 – food security 

Agricultural Transformation:

  • Odisha transformed from importing rice to producing 13.606 million tonnes of food grains in 2022.
  • Average rice yield tripled in two decades,from 10.41 quintals/hectare in 2000-01 to 27.30 quintals/hectare in 2020-21.
  • Kalahandi district,known as the “land of hunger,” is now Odisha’s rice bowl.
  • Flagship schemes like Krushak Assistance for Livelihood and Income Augmentation (KALIA) and scientific crop management practices increased non-paddy crop cultivation.
  • Odisha Millet Mission helped diversify crops and promote climate resilience.

Resilience and Sustainability:

  • Odisha developed a comprehensive Climate Change Action Plan due to its vulnerability to climate change.
  • The plan covers various sectors like agriculture,coastal zone protection, energy, fisheries, forests, health, industries, mining, transport, and urban and water resources.
  • Weekly meetings,field visits, and video conferences help monitor the crop programme and take necessary measures during adverse weather conditions.
  • Farmers are adopting climate-resilient cultivation practices like integrated farming,zero-input-based natural farming, non-paddy crops, better water management, water-saving devices, e-pest surveillance, and farm mechanisation.
  • Training farmers in crop-specific techniques boosted food grains production.

Social Protection:

  • Odisha is now a surplus state for paddy production and the fourth most significant contributor to the paddy pool of the Food Corporation of India.
  • It produces 9% of India’s total rice and accounts for 4.22% of the country’s total food-grain production.
  • The partnership between the UN World Food Programme and the Government of Odisha has seen innovation for pilots on improving food and nutrition security schemes.
  • Odisha emerged as the top-ranked state in the National Food Security Act Ranking Index for 2022.
  • WFP collaborates with the Government of Odisha on its food security,livelihood and climate resilience initiatives.

Odisha’s transformative journey presents a unique development model for other states facing global climate change challenges.

Question: Critically analyze the key components of Odisha’s transformative journey in food security and climate resilience, highlighting its potential for replication in other Indian states.

2. The Supreme Court’s J&K verdict has imperilled the rights of States.

Topic: GS2 – Indian polity

Supreme Court Verdict on Article 370:

  • The Supreme Court upheld the abrogation of Jammu and Kashmir’s special status under Article 370.
  • This is a victory for the ruling BJP and its long-cherished aim of removing J&K’s special status.


  • The verdict undermines federal principles by allowing Parliament to act on behalf of a State legislature under President’s Rule.
  • It fails to appreciate historical context and the promises made to J&K regarding its autonomy.
  • It undermines constitutional procedure by not addressing the legality of re-organizing J&K into two Union Territories.

Specific Points:

  • The Court ruled parts of the August 5 order unconstitutional,but upheld the consequential notification on August 6.
  • The Court argued that the Constitution of India has been applied incrementally to J&K since 1957.
  • The Court dismissed historical obligations owed to J&K and promises made by constitutional functionaries.
  • The Court avoided ruling on the legality of re-organizing J&K into two UTs,citing a Solicitor-General assurance.
  • The Court’s broad interpretation of President’s Rule and Parliament’s power poses a threat to federalism and democratic processes.

Overall Impact:

  • The verdict weakens institutional limitations on power and undermines federalism and democratic processes.
  • It represents a retreat from the Court’s known positions on these issues.
  • It has significant implications for the rights of States in India.


Question: Critically analyze the Supreme Court’s verdict on Article 370, focusing on its implications for federalism, democratic processes, and the rights of States in India.

For Enquiry




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