Everything You Need To Know About 25 Oct 2023 : Daily Answer Writing

25 Oct 2023 : Daily Answer Writing

Mains Answer Writing


1. Discuss the role of technology in addressing malnutrition in India and its potential impact on public health and food security.

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2. Discuss the implications of politicizing the bureaucracy on the functioning of government institutions and democracy in India. Suggest measures to ensure non-partisanship and impartiality in the civil service.

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3. Critically Examine the Impact of Ongoing Canada-India Diplomatic Tensions on the Indian Diaspora and Bilateral Relations, and Suggest Possible Solutions.

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4. Critically analyze the factors contributing to the deteriorating air quality in the National Capital Region and propose effective strategies for sustainable air quality management.

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5. What are the educational and societal implications of mixing science with mythology in academic materials, and how does it affect the development of scientific temper among students?

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