Everything You Need To Know About 23 Nov 2023 : Indian Express

23 Nov 2023 : Indian Express

Indian Express




  • Much of the intellectual class has criticized political parties for their vast welfare pledges during the current state elections.
  • This criticism is not new; the Supreme Court has already discussed the matter and voiced concern about the “irrational freebies” that political parties promise, which could put a strain on public funds and make it more difficult to provide basic facilities.

Political Question of Freebies and Public Goods:

  • The criticism of non-merit freebies is not intrinsically anti-poor, but defining what is a public good and what is a freebie is still a political issue open to democratic debate.
  • The main argument is that because public funds are limited, a thorough analysis of expenditure trade-offs is required.
  • The discussion makes one wonder why political parties continue to accept such pledges even when they are aware of the possible wastefulness of freebies.

Complex Reasons Behind Freebie Promises:

  • The choice made by political parties to provide freebies in spite of the seeming wastefulness is a complicated one that is frequently oversimplified and used as a barb against the political elite.
  • The difficulties of public communication and the capacity to manage the implementation of political plans while in authority are two important factors.

Mass Communication Challenge:

  • A major obstacle in electoral politics is mass communication.
  • In order to gain state power, political parties must win elections by adding up all of the votes cast in each candidate.
  • Reaching out to the general population is a difficult endeavor that calls for message simplicity.
  • Parties find direct benefits, such as monetary transfers or tangible goods, appealing because they are simple to explain and comprehend.

Governance and Execution Challenges:

  • The administration and use of power are the second aspect of the issue.
  • Though every chief minister wants to highlight the progress his state has made, governance for complicated problem is time-consuming and fraught with uncertainty.
  • Building infrastructure or making financial transfers are comparatively simpler and offer real advantages to individual voters.

Corrosion of Party Platform:

  • On the other hand, an over-reliance on immediate gains might weaken the party agenda.
  • The process of redistribution after the fact via governmental coffers makes it difficult to connect personal gains to a cohesive ideology.
  • A transactional connection between the electorate and political parties results from the lack of such a framework, requiring greater advantages in every election.

Way Forward:

  • Political leaders must exercise caution to prevent direct benefits from taking the place of other elements of the party platform, even though they are important for establishing a political mandate and fostering voter support.
  • Lack of a solid ideological foundation can cause a party’s identity to erode, forcing leaders to use more and bigger advantages in subsequent elections and jeopardizing the party’s long-term survival.

2) A tentative pause


  • There are indications that the 47-day-old Israel-Gaza conflict may soon come to an end.
  • Global parties are fighting for their respective allies in this battle, and it is expected that a four-day ceasefire will allow for the return of the fifty captives that Hamas took on October 7.
  • During this time, the release will happen in batches of ten.

Prisoner Swap and Key Conditions:

  • Israel would free about 150 Palestinian women and children from its prisons as part of the agreement; if Hamas releases more hostages, this number could rise.
  • Furthermore, Israel requests a guarantee that no drones will be used to fly over Gaza for up to six hours every day, which would enable Hamas to locate and round up scattered hostages.
  • Israel is adamant that all hostages in Gaza be made available to the International Committee of the Red Cross.

International Involvement and Political Pressures:

  • In order to achieve the hostage agreement, the Biden administration has placed a great deal of political pressure on Qatari Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
  • A key role has been performed by Qatar, a significant Hamas backer, with Egypt mediating contacts with local Hamas leadership.
  • After the initial release, the ceasefire is anticipated to last for about ten days.

Challenges and Dissent Within Israel:

  • There is, however, internal opposition to the swap agreement in Israel, especially from right-wing coalition partners.
  • Netanyahu might encounter resistance until every hostage—soldiers and civilians alike is freed.
  • There is uncertainty regarding the length of the truce, and the agreement may face legal challenges.

Humanitarian Concerns and Unresolved Hostage Numbers:

  • There are reportedly roughly 240 hostages in Gaza, but the transfer only includes 50.
  • Many captives’ fates are still unknown, especially those of the young children.
  • Families who still have relatives in captivity may become more anxious as a result of the restricted release.

Hamas’ Strategic Shift and Regional Dynamics:

  • Hamas had a moment of humility because large-scale demonstrations in Western capitals did not materially change the situation.
  • The expected expansion of the conflict to include a broader regional participation did not come to pass.
  • Even with its fragility, the interim cease-fire will not bring an end to the larger Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and both parties will find it difficult to explain the loss of human life in the absence of noticeable progress.

Uncertain Future and Complex Resolutions:

  • Additional measures are needed for the limited hostage release to be stable and effective.
  • These measures include more humanitarian aid, Hamas’s political accountability, the Palestine National Authority’s involvement in Gaza affairs, international reconstruction efforts, improved Israeli security, and the pursuit of a two-state solution, which is an ambitious goal even by Middle Eastern standards.
  • There is a great deal of ambiguity regarding the future trajectory of events due to the region’s unpredictable character.

For Enquiry




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