Everything You Need To Know About Pakhal Lake

Pakhal Lake and Wildlife Sanctuary

Pakhal Lake and Wildlife Sanctuary – A Hidden Gem in Telangana

Pakhal Lake History

Pakhal lake is an artificial lake in the Pakhal Wildlife Sanctuary in the Warangal district of Telangana. The construction of the Pakhal Lake and wildlife Sanctuary is an engineering marvel. It was constructed on a tributary of river Krishna during the rule of Kakatiya King Ganapathideva in 1213 CE. A 174-kilometer long stone-lined channel, known as Pakhal Eru, was built to bring water from the River Krishna to the lake. This ingenious solution not only provided water for irrigation but also helped the region flourish.

Pakhal Lake And Wildlife Sanctuary- Warangal District Of Telangana

Flora and Fauna of Pakhal Lake and Wildlife Sanctuary

The Pakhal lake and wildlife sanctuary is a haven for a wide array of species. Its flora ranges from mixed deciduous forests to rich grasslands, providing habitats to numerous animal and birds

Vegetation at Pakhal Lake and Wildlife Sanctuary:

  • Deciduous Trees: Teak, Bamboo, and Terminalia are predominant
  • Aquatic Flora: Water lilies, lotuses and a few of other evergreen species are also seen

Animals Life

Major animal life at Pakhal Lake and Wildlife Sanctuary:

  • Mammals: Tigers, leopards, panthers, hyenas, sloth bears, mountain gazelle and wild boars
  • Reptiles: Python, Cobra, and monitor lizards
  • Birds: Spot-billed pelican, white-eyed buzzard, and grey heron

Why Pakhal Lake is Famous?

Pakhal lake and wild life sanctuary is famous for its biodiversity, scenic beauty and bird watching.

1. Biodiversity: The Sanctuary’s rich biodiversity makes it a hotspot for wildlife enthusiasts and researchers.

2. Scenic Beuty: The environment of Pakhal lake, coupled with the lush greenery, attracts nature lovers and photographers.

3. Bird Watching: It’s a paradise for birdwatchers, with several migratory and local birds like, pelicon, white-eyed buzzard and grey heron etc.

Conservation Efforts for Pakhal lake and wildlife Sanctuary

The Pakhal lake and wildlife sanctuary is under the protection of the forest department of India. Efforts include habitat conservation, anti-poaching measures, and promoting sustainable tourism

Other Facts

  • Best time to Visit: November to June
  • Accessibility: Easily accessible form Warangal District of Telangana
  • Activities: Boating in Pakhal Lake, nature walks, and wildlife photography


Pakhal Lake and wildlife Sanctuary is not just a scenic retreat but a crucial ecological zone. It serves as a living classroom for environmental education and a sanctuary for wildlife conservation, making it a must-visit for those who cherish nature’s beauty.

FAQs Related to Pakhal Lake and Wildlife Sanctuary

Why was Pakhal Lake constructed?

Pakhal Lake was constructed in the 13th century by the Kakatiya King Ganapati Deva to address water scarcity issues in the region.

Pakhal Lake spans across an area of 30 square kilometers.

Pakhal Eru is a 174-kilometer long stone-lined channel built to bring water from the River Krishna to Pakhal Lake.

Pakhal Lake is a thriving habitat for diverse flora and fauna, supports a rich aquatic ecosystem, and is surrounded by the Pakhal Wildlife Sanctuary. It also plays a vital role in the lives of local communities by providing water for irrigation and supporting agriculture and fishing.

Pakhal Lake was constructed in the 13th century by the Kakatiya King Ganapati Deva to address water scarcity issues in the region.

Pakhal Lake spans across an area of 30 square kilometers.

Pakhal Eru is a 174-kilometer long stone-lined channel built to bring water from the River Krishna to Pakhal Lake.

Pakhal Lake is a thriving habitat for diverse flora and fauna, supports a rich aquatic ecosystem, and is surrounded by the Pakhal Wildlife Sanctuary. It also plays a vital role in the lives of local communities by providing water for irrigation and supporting agriculture and fishing.

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