Everything You Need To Know About 11 September 2023 : Daily Current Affairs

11 September 2023 : Daily Current Affairs

Daily Current Affairs


Daily Current Affairs For UPSC ,Daily Current affairs of The hIndu and Indian Express.




1) G20 Summit concludes; Modi calls for virtual review in November.

Topic: GS2-IR


  • The G20, under the Indian Presidency, would convene virtually towards November end to take stock of the progress made on the proposals received during the September 9-10 summit.


  • Modi handed over the ceremonial gavel to Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva, initiating the process of transition of the President’s Chair for the next round of the G20 in Brazil.
  • Modi suggested for a virtual meet in November to take stock of the progress.

What all was discussed at the summit?

  • The Delhi summit witnessed a high point with the admission of the African Union as a new G20 member.
  • This was followed by a personal announcement by Prime Minister Modi on the “Joint Declaration” of the summit which was adopted through consensus overcoming sharp differences among members regarding the Ukraine crisis.
  • Agenda for discussions also included digitization and artificial intelligence.
  • India and France agreed to collaborate in the Indo Pacific and in Africa in areas such as “infrastructure, connectivity, energy, biodiversity, sustainability and industrial projects”.
  • Assistance for Morocco which has been hit by earthquake.
  • Solutions to the Ukraine crisis to ensure a just and lasting peace in line with the UN Charter.
  • Deep reforms of the global governance structures including the United Nations, World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.
  • Launch of the India Middle East EU transport corridor that will include a network of roads, ports and maritime routes.

2) Japan keen to deepen defence ties with India.

Topic: GS2-IR


  • Japan is keen to develop deeper defence cooperation to ensure maritime security in the region.


  • Self Defence Forces and the Indian Armed Forces have already conducted joint exercises this year between all services of land, sea and air.
  • Japan Australia India U. S. Quad joint drill Malabar was also held on a continuous basis.
  • The increasingly harsh security environment in the region has forced Japan to oppose unilateral changes in the South China Sea and condemn North Korea’s Missile activities.

Japan’s approach

  • Japan is promoting is a concept to uphold and reinforce a free and open international order based on rule of law in the Indo Pacific region.
  • It’s aim and vision is to ensure peace and stability and prosperity in the entire region and ultimately across the world.
  • Reinforcement of support to maritime law enforcement capabilities and for maritime security.
  • Highlighted the importance of assistance by the global community to vulnerable populations under conflict.

Rebuking Russia:

  • Japan condemned Russia’s war on Ukraine and said that it could lead huge impact on world economy.
  • Japan has pressed for immediate withdrawal of Russian troops and realization of a just, durable peace in Ukraine.

3) Heat Index

Topic: Prelims


  • Recently, Iran recorded a scorching heat index of 70 degrees Celsius (°C) in the coastal part of the country.
  • The heat index, also known as apparent temperature, is a crucial indicator that measures how the temperature feels to humans based on a combination of air temperature and relative humidity.
  • It provides a more accurate representation of how hot the weather actually feels compared to just the air temperature. 

About Heat Index:

  • The heat index is calculated using a complex formula that considers factors such as air temperature, relative humidity, and dew point. The dew point, the temperature at which air becomes saturated with moistureand forms dew, is a critical component in this calculation.
  • Various countries have their own heat index measurement systems. For instance, Canada uses the Humidex, and the U.S. National Weather Service (NWS) has its own heat index chart.

  Why measure the Heat Index?

  • The importance of measuring the heat index lies in its ability to assess the impact of heat on human health and well-being. High humidity during heatwaves can make the apparent temperature significantly higher than the actual air temperature, making it feel much hotter to people.
  • High heat index values can lead to heat stress, heat exhaustion, and even heatstroke, posing serious health risks.Monitoring the heat index is vital for public safety, especially during extreme heat events.
  • It helps authorities issue heat wave alerts, implement necessary precautions, and adapt to extreme heat conditions by adjusting work schedules and providing cooling solutions to protect public health and safety.

For Enquiry




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