Everything You Need To Know About 25 September 2023 : The Hindu Editorial Notes Pdf

25 September 2023 : The Hindu Editorial Notes PDF

The Hindu Editorial


Daily Current Affairs For UPSC ,The Hindu Editorial Summary




1. An economic corridor, the Israel link and the geopolitics.

Topic: GS2 – International relations.

G-20 Summit Under India’s Presidency:

  • The 2023 G-20 summit was held under India’s presidency in early September.
  • India’s success at the summit was noted for addressing complex global issues.
  • Achievements included the inclusion of the African Union in the G-20 and an offer of clean energy through a biofuel alliance.

Delhi Declaration:

  • The Delhi Declaration, a joint statement, is significant in the context of global power struggles.
  • It refrains from naming Russia for aggression against Ukraine but emphasizes the UN charter and territorial sovereignty.
  • The statement was crafted to satisfy the interests of all member nations.

India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor:

  • A major outcome of the summit was the announcement of the “India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor.”
  • This corridor involves a rail-ship route to transport goods from India to Europe via the United Arab Emirates-Saudi Arabia-Jordan-Israel.
  • It has transformative potential in geopolitics and challenges China’s Belt and Road Initiative.
  • S. President Joe Biden described it as a “real big deal.”

Israel’s Role and Absence:

  • Israel, a strategic partner for India and a participant in the economic corridor, was not explicitly mentioned in the announcement.
  • Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked President Biden but did not mention Prime Minister Modi.
  • These incidents highlighted the need to address Israel’s issues with India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor plan.

What is India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor plan?

The “India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor” is a proposed infrastructure project that aims to create a trade route connecting India to Europe through the Middle East. While detailed plans may evolve, the general concept includes the following elements:

  • Geographical Route: Passage from India through the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Israel to Europe. The proposed route would likely involve a combination of railways and maritime transport.
  • Trade and Economic Benefits: Boosting trade and economic ties by offering a shorter and potentially more cost-effective trade route.
  • Challenges: Developing such a corridor involves overcoming various logistical, infrastructural, and geopolitical challenges. It requires cooperation and agreements between multiple countries and may face competition or concerns from existing infrastructure projects, such as China’s Belt and Road Initiative.
  • Geopolitical Significance: The project is seen as significant development in the geopolitical landscape, challenging China’s Belt and Road Initiative and influencing trade dynamics.
  • Role of Stakeholders: Involvement of countries along the route like India, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Israel in facilitating and developing the corridor.

Source: https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/an-economic-corridor-the-israel-link-and-the-geopolitics/article67341829.ece

2. China’s denial of entry to Arunachal athletes shows up the distrust in ties.

Topic: GS2 – International relations.


  • Union Sports Minister Anurag Thakur canceled his visit to China in protest of China’s denial of entry to three Indian Wushu players from Arunachal Pradesh.
  • The athletes, who had proper accreditations, were barred from boarding their flight, seemingly due to a directive from China.
  • Beijing’s actions in this incident were described as “targeted and pre-meditated” by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs.
  • This isn’t the first instance of China using sports events for geopolitical purposes, such as selecting a PLA commander involved in the Galwan Valley clash as a torchbearer for the Winter Olympics.

Recent controversies between India and China:

  • Border Disputes: The ongoing border disputes along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the Himalayan region, particularly in areas like Ladakh, have been a significant source of tension.
  • Economic Competition: India’s growing economic and strategic ties with countries like the United States have been viewed with suspicion by China. Economic competition, especially in sectors like technology and infrastructure, has heightened tensions.
  • Bilateral Relations: Diplomatic relations have been strained due to these disputes. High-level talks and agreements, have provided temporary relief but have not led to a lasting resolution.
  • South China Sea: India’s concerns over China’s assertiveness in the South China Sea and its increasing presence in the Indian Ocean region have added to bilateral tensions.
  • Geopolitical Rivalry: The broader geopolitical rivalry between China and India, including their competing interests in regional and international organizations, has exacerbated tensions.
  • Taiwan and Tibet: China’s sensitivities regarding India’s engagement with Taiwan and the Dalai Lama have occasionally led to diplomatic friction.
  • Trade Imbalances: Trade imbalances, with China enjoying a surplus in its trade with India, have been a persistent issue.
  • Diplomatic Standoffs: Periodic diplomatic standoffs, have also marked recent controversies between the two nations.


  • The absence of adequate channels of communication and lingering distrust in bilateral relations is a challenge in addressing such issues, including visas.
  • India has emphasized that normalizing relations requires resolving border disputes and restoring peace along the Line of Actual Control (LAC).
  • Until progress is made on the border issue, the current state of affairs may persist, not benefiting either India or China.

Mains question: Discuss the recent controversies and challenges in India-China relations. Also, analyze the measures that can be taken to promote stability and cooperation in this complex bilateral relationship.

 Source: https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/editorial/politicising-exchanges-on-china-using-sporting-events-to-score-geopolitical-points/article67341372.ece

3.Parliament should not be turned into a forum for verbal abuse.

Topic: GS2 – Indian polity


  • Incidents within Parliament tarnished its dignity, including a BJP MP hurling communal slurs at a fellow Muslim MP during a discussion on the Chandrayaan mission.

Impact of unnecessary verbal abuses in Parliamentary proceedings:

  • Undermining Decorum: Verbal abuses erode the expected standards of respectful and civil conduct in parliamentary sessions, undermining the decorum of the institution.
  • Decline in Trust: Such behavior leads to a decline in public trust and respect for elected representatives, as it contradicts the expected conduct of leaders.
  • Obstruction of Debates: Personal attacks and abuses can hinder productive and substantive debates on important issues, diverting discussions away from policy matters.
  • Distracting from Key Issues: Verbal abuses divert attention from critical legislative and governance matters, focusing on personal conflicts instead.
  • Alienation of Public: Such behavior can alienate the public, leading to disengagement from the political process and disillusionment with representatives.
  • Damage to Reputation: Verbal abuses tarnish the reputation of individuals and political parties, potentially impacting electoral outcomes and careers.
  • Impact on International Image: A parliament marked by abusive language can negatively affect a country’s international image, reflecting its political culture.

Way forward:

  • Strict Rule Enforcement: Enforce parliamentary rules that prohibit verbal abuses, backed by appropriate consequences for violators.
  • Promotion of Civility: Encourage leaders and senior members to exemplify civility, respect, and constructive debate, setting a positive tone for all members.
  • Training and Sensitization: Conduct workshops and training sessions for parliamentarians on effective communication and conflict resolution.
  • Strengthen Committees: Empower parliamentary committees to investigate and recommend actions against members engaged in verbal abuses.
  • Role of Opposition: The opposition should play a constructive role in holding the government accountable without resorting to personal attacks. Healthy opposition strengthens democracy.
  • Media Responsibility: They should refrain from sensationalizing verbal clashes and focus on substantive debates and policy discussions.
  • National Code of Conduct: Consider developing a national code of conduct for parliamentarians that outlines expected behavior and consequences for violations.

Mains question: In the context of parliamentary proceedings, discuss the significance of maintaining decorum and civility among elected representatives. What measures can be taken to ensure respectful and constructive debates in legislatures?

 Source: https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/editorial/playing-to-the-gallery-on-incidents-that-have-lowered-the-majesty-of-the-institution-of-parliament/article67341355.ece  

4. Simultaneous polls — but only in a presidential system.

Topic: GS2 – Indian polity


  • The article discusses the concept of “one nation-one poll” in India’s parliamentary democracy.
  • It explores the challenges and implications of holding simultaneous elections for both the Lok Sabha (general election) and State Assemblies, highlighting the difficulties in its implementation.

Difficulties mentioned about simultaneous elections:

  • Challenges in Implementation: Implementing one nation-one poll poses significant challenges in India’s parliamentary democracy due to the possibility of mid-term government falls and the need for substantial constitutional changes.
  • Undemocratic Scenarios: In a one nation-one poll system, mid-term elections become impossible, leading to undemocratic scenarios such as continuing with a minority government or imposing President’s rule.
  • Presidential System: To effectively implement one nation-one poll, India may need to switch to a presidential form of government, where the head of the government does not require the confidence of the majority of the House.
  • Constitutional Amendments: Transitioning to a presidential system would necessitate extensive amendments to the Constitution, affecting provisions related to the executive and legislative powers.
  • Basic Structure Debate: Some argue that the parliamentary system is part of India’s basic constitutional structure, but others believe that democracy, which can coexist with a presidential system, is the core value.
  • Potential Political Motivation: The government’s recent push for one nation-one poll may be driven by a desire to postpone elections in five States where the ruling party expects defeat.
  • Constitutional Implications: Postponing State Assembly elections may involve constitutional challenges, and any decision must adhere to constitutional principles and laws.
  • Legal Scrutiny: The use of leeway in election scheduling by the Election Commission based on committee deliberations may face legal scrutiny and be subject to judicial review.

Mains question: What are the key challenges and implications of implementing ‘one nation-one poll’ in India, and how does it relate to the principles of parliamentary democracy?

 Source: https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/lead/simultaneous-polls-but-only-in-a-presidential-system/article67341870.ece


For Enquiry




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