
14 August 2023 : Daily Answer Writing

Mains Answer Writing

One of the key components of these exams is the written test, which consists of a number of essay and comprehension questions. Candidates are expected to write clear and well-structured answers that demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the topics being tested.





Q. Do you think global identity threatens the idea of India? Discuss


Globalisation is the integration of economies and societies worldwide, driven by democracy and capitalism. It involves the free flow of information, ideas, technologies, goods, services, capital, finance and people.

Globalisation can sometimes be seen as a potential threat to the idea of India:

  1. Threat to National Sovereignty: The Identity of Global citizens, global firms, and international organisations can be seen as a threat to national sovereignty, potentially being a threat to the idea of nationalism.
  2. Influence on Culture:
    1. Cultural erosion: Globalisation erodes traditional practices and values, overshadowing local cultural identities and language with dominant global influence. For example, adopting global festivities while ignoring local ones and fading indigenous knowledge systems.
    2. Adoption of global food, music, festivals etc.: for example, from Pizzas to Chow-mein, from Jazz to Hip-Hop, and from Christmas to New Year, everything is celebrated in India.
  3. Changes in Social Structure:
    1. Adoption of Global Value System: Ideals of individualism, personal liberty, and equality challenge the traditional hierarchical structure of society.
    2. Changing the Family structure: Due to the rise of the nuclear family, the elderly has become economically, socially and emotionally more vulnerable. This has also changed the social structure of the society.
  4. Economic Threat:
    1. Declining art and handicrafts: In the Globalised and mechanised economy, local art and handicrafts are falling resulting in loss of employment. For Instance, Chinese toys sidelining India’s traditional toys.
    2. Dependence on Global companies: For example, patents of GMOs make farmers dependent on multinational companies.
    3. Rising inequality: Globalisation has contributed to growing wealth disparities, where the top 10% hold 57% of total national income, according to the World inequality report 2022.

Despite Globalisation, local culture has been able to maintain its identity to a significant extent:

  1. Local art: Increasing demand for local handicraft products in the global market, such as chikankari or bandhani.
  2. Indian Food: Various flavours of Indian cuisine have conquered the world already.
  3. Music and Cinema: The popularity of Regional films has increased in the recent past. Similarly, Indian Classical music has created a new “Fusion Music” genre.
  4. Yoga: yoga traditions were practised by Indians, but people across the globe are embracing and accepting them. For example, the International Yoga Day celebration across the world.
  5. Spirituality: Indian gurus have become global gurus and are aiding in exchanging spiritual ideas, naturopathy, etc. For example, ISKON.
  6. Social Practices: India has not only preserved its culture, festivals, and way of life but has also exported it to the world. For example, Holi is now a Global festival.
  7. Indian Exports: India has been a global leader in handicrafts, fabrics and leather works.

Conclusion: Global identity has presented a challenge to the Idea of India.

However, adopting elements of global culture, economy, and way of life does not necessarily erode the Indian way of life and the Idea of India. India assimilates the international elements while preserving the Indian Identity.

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