Everything You Need To Know About 12 September 2023 : The Hindu Editorial Notes Pdf

12 September 2023 : The Hindu Editorial Notes PDF

The Hindu Editorial


Daily Current Affairs For UPSC ,The Hindu Editorial Summary




1. Ridding India of food security


  • India facing Food price inflation. Annual inflation this year highest in decade more than 11%.
  • Hardship face by section of population in India due to food price inflation is cause of worry.
  • Writer wants to showcase facts, figure regarding food insecurities and point out the need for the 2nd green revolution.

Substantiation for India facing adverse impact of food inflation:

  • One study under Datapoint, regarding price of food in Mumbai city showcase that price of thaali at home has risen by 65% but average wage of manual worker and salaried worker rose by 38% and 28% respectively.
  • This showcase food consumption get adversely impacted
  • National Family Health Survey reported rise in cases of anaemia and cause for this is nothing but nutritional deficiencies.
  • 50% women estimated to be anaemic.
  • FAO fins that half of Indian population can’t afford healthy diet.

Economic Miscalculation:

  • Reserve bank failed to control inflation as from four year, it has been breaching targeted inflation band. This shows irrelevancy of macroeconomic policy to control inflation.
  • Inflation targeting by central bank does not manage food inflation from supply side.
  • Central bank must focus on supply side because intervention from supply side helps for steady food supply by rising per hector food production (rising the yield on land).

 Historical significance of 1st Green revolution:

  • Green revolution started in 1960s because of the need to fulfil extreme food shortages caused due to two successive droughts.
  • Government focus on supply side demand by providing farmers with cheap credit, high yielding seeds, and assurance for procurement.
  • Countering food security challenge in India with this green revolution  has more significance than US’s moon mission.

Issues of Green revolution:

  • Excessive use of subsidised chemical fertilizers, degraded the soil quality.
  • More focus on procurement prices rather than productivity increase to ensure farmer’s income.

Need of 2nd green revolution:

  • To achieve the goal of lowering cost of food production.
  • To increase India’s agricultural yield which is presently lower than East Asian nation.

Ways to achieve this goal :

  • Extension of irrigation to 100% of net sown area.
  • Land fragmentation and small land holding lowers the capacity and productivity. To enhance this productivity land leasing is the solution.
  • Extensive research work by the agricultural research institution.
  • Gram sevak, a familiar figure should play crucial role to spread best practices at village level
  • Close and cordial role of state governments with the centre to showcase spirit of co operative federalism.
  • State should focus on agricultural productivity and not just on their share of PDS from centre’s pool.


      First green revolution made India Self-sufficient in food production, But that revolution unaware about the ecological challenges in future. But to ensure all Indians permanent access to healthy diet ecological security goes hand in hand with food security.


For Enquiry




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