Everything You Need To Know About 21 Oct 2023 : Indian Express

21 Oct 2023 : Indian Express

Indian Express


1) The Green Finance Challenge


  • Over 100 nations and officials from the global private sector gathered in Paris in June to stress the importance of tackling poverty and environmental protection at the same time.
  • India co-chaired the conference, also known as the “Paris Pact for People and the Planet,” and the G20 Leaders’ Declaration from the historic Delhi Summit emphasized this accomplishment.
  • This article will discuss the key strategies to unlock private sector funding for addressing climate and development crisis.

The Role of Private Sector

  • The private sector must play a big role in order to successfully address the climate and development challenges because public funding alone will not be sufficient.
  • In order to address this issue, the Paris Pact for People and the Planet suggests measures that will promote more private capital inflows to emerging and developing economies.
  1. Review of Global Vertical Climate Funds: In order to maximize their resources and encourage more cooperation within the framework of climate finance, one of the tactics entails assessing global vertical climate funds.
  2. Reevaluating Financial Regulations: It is crucial to do a thorough analysis of the post-2008 financial regulations, especially their unanticipated impacts on the mobilization of OECD savings towards non-OECD nations. In order to lower risk and the impression of risk for international investors, this review aims for consistency and simplicity in the regulation.
  3. Involving Credit Rating Agencies: The reform agenda of multilateral development banks must include credit-rating agencies. The objective is to make sure that these organizations recognize the creative blended finance schemes being developed and take into account fresh information on actual defaults, particularly in developing economies.
  4. Green Finance Network: To mobilize global savings and bring the financial sector in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement, a “green finance” framework is needed. This approach intends to increase confidence in private finance’s dedication to promoting resilient and low-carbon paths around the world.

Addressing Debt Vulnerabilities:

  • The obligation of governments to address the debt vulnerabilities in developing countries must not be overshadowed by efforts to mobilize private sector financing for the green transition.
  • Unsustainable debt trajectories are a problem for many low- and middle-income countries, and the Paris Summit in June focused heavily on this issue.
  • The adoption of novel tools like climate-resilient debt clauses and accelerating the suspension of debt when necessary are some strategies.

India’s Role:

  • The G20 Presidency of India was crucial in furthering these efforts and enabling ground-breaking advancement.
  • To ensure the successful fulfillment of this agenda, it is now necessary to coordinate efforts and offer assistance to Brazil who will be hosting the next G20.
  • In addition to its economic importance, India plays a significant role due to its exceptional ability to forge alliances and promote cooperation among nations.
  • Efforts to improve the effectiveness and equity of the global financial system should be guided by the principles of India’s “vasudhaiva kutumbakam.”

Way Forward:

  • The effectiveness of international cooperation in addressing global concerns is demonstrated by the Paris Pact for People and the Planet.
  • The focus of this program is on the necessity of bringing together resources from the public and private sectors, reexamining financial laws, and addressing debt vulnerabilities.
  • In order to create a more effective and fair global financial system, India’s proactive approach and dedication to cooperation are crucial.


For Enquiry




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